That is when I must bring back my focus on who the REAL ENEMY is-the DARK SIDE _Lucifer_
The Dark Side's Kids are good at organizing-they:
they WRITE their intent (ex Alinsky-Rules for Radicals-wrote the outline for take over-and overtly gave credit to Lucifer in that book!) they are not afraid because they know there are others 'watching their backs'..
they VOICE their intent aloud-why aren't THEY afraid?!!! like so many Christian leaders in the US are - today!!!...
they FOLLOW THROUGH with their written - voiced intents and have a long term outlook-(they know each individual may not live to see the results!
and they don't believe in an here-after!)-
Why don't Christians have the same tenacity-we believe in an after-life-!
CHRIST gave us a command!
Seeing that it is a military term-and since the WORD uses warfare & agriculture- primarily - in illustrative parables-(horses too :-)-
We believers must be overtly involved with all aspects of our life here on earth - military-warfare-agriculture-science-education-arts-POLITICS>>>
there are more-I'm sure you all can think of some...
It is time to get rid of the Lyndon Johnson-critic stifling legislation - the 501 C3-that is a post for another time though...
DURER 's Four Horsemen seems to fit here...
faith is a beautiful thing isnt it my friend?
WHT-indeed it is - my friend-
You know, even if someone is an atheist, they must acknowledge the constant struggle between good and evil.
Good and Evil
God and Devil
K-your take is great an I like the
Have a great Christmas-my friend..
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