Saturday, June 11, 2016

Lake Superior- Pictured Rocks Tour-

I was born a raised in MI- Love the Great Lakes- fished w/ my Dad in a small boat-I did not know about the Pictured Rocks on Lake Superior --and that one can get on a tour boat to view them--

Time to visit HOME- Michigan- and go up to Lake Superior!!


Adrienne said...

Growing up in Minnesota, we visited the Great Lakes often. Beautiful area (UP), but way too much winter for me.

Ed Bonderenka said...

I live in Michigan and it took me 6 hours to drive there (Pictured Rocks) last time I did.

Kid said...

Pretty stuff, and it looks like the water level is down quite a bit.

christian soldier said...

A- it is cold - that is for sure- :-)

EB- so- they are worth the visit - right-

K- un like CA- MI does not have a 'water problem'
we in CA would not either if our PC govt officials would build aquifers when CA has torrential rains- and savd the water for the dry times - and - stop looking out for a small fish>>>grrrr

Kid said...

Carol-CS, Yes it has occurred to e that California has plenty of land with which to build reservoirs for those dry times. We've had ancient civilizations that have managed water better than California. Let me think, Oh yea, they probably used the money for 'something else'.

As far as Lake MI, I was thinking in terms of now that global warming is going to raise the water levels, why are the Great Lakes down since they are connected to the ocean.

christian soldier said...

K- good question-

Baysider said...

I live in California, and it makes me weep (all that water just there). Beautiful.