Friday, August 11, 2017

muslims - beastiality === rabies--- islam condones the sexual abuse of animals--


Kid said...

Well, of course. Baaaaaa.

Mustang said...

These people have NO redeeming value.

christian soldier said...

K- yes :-)

christian soldier said...

M- none- I have been studying them the THEM - since I started learning the true HIStory of this Republic--our first war - barbary pirates - MUSLIMS- demanding 20% of our GDP- Jefferson got tired of it and called upon our new Marines - to take them out (Shores of Tripoli)
US- wake UP !!!!

Mustang said...

How amazing (to me) that the revisionists now proclaim that Jefferson admired Islam. He did no such thing, but you know ... it is as Vladimir Lenin said: "A lie told often enough become the truth."