Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Pastor Beaten By Border Patrol INSIDE US! & Un-Constitutional Detention of US Citizens OK'd by "Supreme Court"& Happy 225th Birthday USA!!-Col tells Victims' Families to Move ON

 Pastor beaten -by border patrol INSIDE the US--why aren't illegals treated the same- and - is it Constitutional to stop US citizens w/o  due cause-- you tell me what you think>>>

bho is SMILING--
Detention of US Citizens/SUPREME Court says OK!!-
 reminds of the decision RE: Kelo -you remember /the un Constitutional usurpation of private property  for private use--OK'd by the "SUPREMEs"
The Supreme Court no longer honors the Constitution!

George Washington - placed his hand on the BIBLE - this day -225 years ago-  

and US Army  "Col"  tells Ft Hood terrorist  attack victims -
 you remember- the muslim terrorist - hasan who is still getting taxpayer $$$ 
 while the families of the victims are told by the "good" Col to MOVE ON-
-do we have any officers who honor their oath?


Mustang said...

Congress has given the Border Patrol “extraordinary” powers due to its role in policing the US border. By extraordinary powers, I mean that they can arrest, detain indefinitely, any person whom they suspect of offering a clear and present danger to the United States. They do not need a warrant, for example, to search vehicles. In this case, the “pastor” apparently did not know of this extraordinary power, and I suspect that he became beligerant. When taken into custody, he resisted ... which is never a good thing to do when police officers out-number you five or six or twelve to one. It is entirely possible that if Pastor Anderson did not receive what he deserved, then it must be true that what happened to him was a likely consequence of “resisting arrest.”

Carol, I believe the provision within the NDAA is one intended to permit the United States military apprehension of a U. S. citizen who is engaged in terrorist activities at overseas locations, and to hold that citizen indefinitely without the regular due process, which I imagine would only apply to apprehensions on foreign (e.g., non-US soil). Personally, I don’t have a problem with this. This is why I do not trust WMD as a news source. Their writers and editors do not seem overly endowed with common sense.

I do not believe General Washington would recognize the country that he once offered his life, his fortune, and his sacred honor to defend. Moreover, I do not think many citizens today deserve the protection vested upon them by our stalwart young men and women who serve in uniform. Herein lies the problem with living a long life: we can remember when America was a much better place.

christian soldier said...

M- as you know - I no longer trust this govt--
and- I am beginning to not trust FOX -

WMD- has some God awful "reporters" - and some good ones--we must be say the least--

Gen./Pres. Washington and most of the Founders would - indeed- be overwhelmed at us in the US for having allowed the usurpation of their vision for this Republic...

William Stout said...

"I do not believe General Washington would recognize the country that he once offered his life, his fortune, and his sacred honor to defend. Moreover, I do not think many citizens today deserve the protection vested upon them by our stalwart young men and women who serve in uniform. Herein lies the problem with living a long life: we can remember when America was a much better place."

Amen. This is no longer my country and frankly, I don't know who's country it is. It certainly isn't the America I grew up in. To think that such changes could occur within the span of a single life. Unbelievable.