Thursday, October 23, 2008

Anniverary of Beirut Marine Barracks Bombing-A Continuation of an Old War...

Pres Jefferson-to Barbary Pirates (Islam)-he sent the new US navy and Marines to rescue US citizens from Barbary slavery;
Pres Madison sent them again with the quote ---(Check my August 18, 2008 postings..)..

Hostages in late 70s-
Marine barracks - 1983 :no reprisals
the first WTC bombings-no reprisals
the Cole-no reprisals
troops dragged through the streets of Somalia-no reprisals
9/11-reprisal after a looooong time...

If you read the quotes of Madison and Kipling mentioned above-you will be concerned that GoV has reported that the US paid tribute (ransom) to pirates this year...
If so--'the nation that pays them is lost...' Kipling....
We're lost....

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