Friday, January 9, 2009

McCain IS REEACHING out to Conservatives Again...

John McCain has no shame--and his message is always the same--play to the conservative base when you need its money or time and then...throw the base under the bus....
McCain is asking for money $$$ careful conservatives....

My comment on Malkin's site:

When I see the RNC -REALLY want to BE -come conservative --then I will give $$$ DI-RECT-LY --
Until then-only candidates who TRULY represent conservative ME will get my MON-EY...
and no more L_O_T_E_S ...mccain (lcop) was one-you know....ask Joe ....
I still love my RWF chapter meetings though...
Hey - that all rhymes....

And speaking of Joe -he's reporting from below...
there is also a vid of the CNN fake coverage of a fake hospital emergency of a HAMAS family 'tragedy' that wasn't...


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