Thursday, February 14, 2013

Boston (former Marine) & Morgan (lib)

This young -former  Marine- gives it to piers morgan --thank you Joshua Boston!


rosey said...

This Limey Brit is given a platform to spew and keep the spewing spewable. Again, the main argument I would have given to this idiot is that we should be able to posess any weapon that our government is currently using to be able to defend ourselves against their tyranical behavior. It's not about hunting. We don't need the 2nd amendment until they come for our guns.

christian soldier said...

R- you are right on!!!

Bunkerville said...

There is a reason we have the 2nd. Let's keep rembering why.

Bunkerville said...

There is a reason we have the 2nd. Let's keep rembering why.

christian soldier said...

B-and we must remember when our gvt sent NGuard to take guns in New Orleans!

Nick said...

I've got to laugh at you Yanks taking Piers Morgan seriously, haha ... we got rid of him years ago for publishing fake photos of people pretending to be British troops abusing pows in the back of a truck. They were obviously fake, but old Piers published them anyway - front page. That ended his career in the press, but you guys clearly don't know about his past - or you wouldn't listen to a damn thing he says.

Oh and he's been on Britain's Got Talent - so obviously he's well qualified to talk about American law, haha ...