Saturday, November 15, 2008


christian soldier said...Detroit and Michigan herself have been socialist enclaves for over 60 years...
you can buy a house in Detroit City for a dollar!...
the Mayor-is a convicted criminal...
and the state is in a near depression...
SOCIALISM doesn't work ....
And to think my grandparents were proud to be in Detroit-it used to be called the Parlor City...

Great Bar Chart from Gateway:


shoprat said...

Now the Great Lakes State is the New Appalachia thanks to the UAW, NEA and Democratic Party who so dominate the public discourse that even a GOP state government a few years ago couldn't make the needed changes.

dmarks said...

I think any little town in the US can now have the town council pass a resolution asking the Federal Government for a handout.

Shoprat is right. The UAW is very opposed to a fair wage, and is a leading force driving jobs to other states and out of the country. $80 an hour for no-skill job is just not sustainable. And the NEA is just out to get rich, even if it destroys education.

christian soldier said...

sr-so glad that you solved the problem w/ your computer-

sr and dm- you are both right on--the unions may have been necessary at the 'beginning' but they just became gangster-like--