Sunday, January 25, 2009

ACORN Rewarded BIG TIME BY (Ayers-AlinskyTrained ) BHO With Your and My Tax $$$$$

You all remember ACORN - that organization that helped the 'community organizer' B. Hussein Obama get votes ---some questionable...
Well- ACORN has just been rewarded for its 'service' to the 'community organizer' with :
$4.19 BILLION :
MAN - that's a LOT of 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

BTW-BHO helped organize ACORN in the early 90's and was VERY involved with the 'organization' thereafter:


WHOOPS-same place as always...GOING ALONG TO GET ALONG!!!!



shoprat said...

ACORN has absolutely no need for that money. This is a payoff pure and simple

christian soldier said...

shoprat-you are absolutely correct! This kind of news does not help my efforts to stay calm...grrrrr
I'm so glad we have the blogosphere...

Z said...

Payoff...there's an angle I hadn't thought of. I think shoprat's right.
Carol, I just had to post this, too...gave you credit and Gateway Pundit.
if ACORN gets even stronger, we'll never have another legal election in this country. WOW
At least Bush's "stolen election" had the courts involved, right!?

christian soldier said...

Z-Thank you so much- for the link-
If we stand together-"Occupy" -and put on the Full Armour-and march ... ...with His help...we can recover the high ground....

Pasadena Closet Conservative said...

Our Republican party is wimping out on us.

christian soldier said...

PCC-Sad isn't it...