Monday, September 7, 2009

GITMO Detainees have a Large Library...Guess Which Books They Choose .......

the "poor" GITMO detainees - all 229 of them - have 13,500 books in the library there!!!-guess which three are the terrorists' favorites?...


Obama est lu à Guantanamo

Intéressant. La bibliothèque du centre de détention de Guantanamo compte pas moins de 13 500 livres.

Mais quels sont les trois titres les plus demandés par les 229 prisonniers ?

La réponse: La série "Harry Potter", "Don Quichotte" de Miguel de Cervantes et "Rêves de mon père" de Barack Obama.

Suivent des livres religieux musulmans.


Z said...

oh, now THERE is a story I'd love more people to see...and ANOTHER way our msm is LYING TO AMERICA by ommission..WOW>

christian soldier said...

Z-I love my three 'out-side the country' sites--they seem to get the truth more quickly than we do...

christian soldier said...

Z-I'm so glad you were able to use this at your speaks volumes!