Saturday, January 30, 2010

California Patriots-1. 2nd Amendment 2. Single Payer Passed in CA Senate...

Come on 'you all'...
There is a group putting their ' toe to the line' for freedom - Second Amendment - the RIGHT to Bear Arms-
Let's boycott Peets Coffee and CA Pizza Kitchen.....

Our BROKE state has just passed single payer in the Senate...


Paul Champagne said...

One question remains ... will the Governator veto it?

christian soldier said...

PC-hopefully (wait-I no longer use the word hope!!) My guess is that he will veto it- again...

The Rattler - III said...

I will be the first to defend these businesses in their choice to exclude fire arms on their property. Their property. Private property. That is their choice. Just... just as I believe a restaurant or bar should be able to allow or disallow smoking. I do not cigarette smoke and would choose a smoke free place to eat but would love a bar that allowed cigars. As such, I as a possible patron can decide where to spend my money there. I for one would not enter a store that displayed a sign stating no firearms. This opens up their business to robbery and their patrons and employees to injury. I would much rather have the open carry crowd spend their time and efforts in promoting concealed carry.
As a 48 year resident of California, we are governed by idiots.

christian soldier said...

R-30 + for me---and yes- we have allowed idiots to run the show-while we were working-and - keeping things going...
That is why I am now posting CA legislation AWAs national legislation...
and am looking for a concealed carry state that I would like...
don't think the 2nd will be honored here any time soon....