Friday, March 13, 2015

Dom Roso-Navy Seal- Reveals another hillary lie-she never was under sniper fire!!

go to NRA News .com for more--
FREEDOM and the 2nd -YES!!


Kid said...

Yep, she told that story 3 times in the 08 election cycle, how her and Chelsea had to rush down the plane stairs and into an armored car, which makes no sense by itself. They'd have diverted to another airport. This was when billy was in the white house.
Then within a day or two, CBS put out a video of the Event and it showed the beast and chelsea walking down the plane stairs and laughing and scratching with the people on the tarmac.
Suffice it to say she lies about everything..

christian soldier said...

K-you and I know that the commie left LIES--when will the rest of the US catch up!!

Kid said...

Carol-CS, they don't care.

Z said...

they really DON'T care....
this administration is the lyingest admin EVER

Ed Bonderenka said...

Oh yes she was!

WomanHonorThyself said...

what a freak show this is my friend!