Sunday, December 21, 2008

Russians Don't Want Domestically Made Autos-Riots Ensue.....

Russians want foreign-made autos-the Kremlin wants them to buy domestically made cars..

Tariff added to foreign made autos-people are rioting...

My take:

I could criticize the Russians by stating -"It sure has taken them a LONG time to realize that socialism doesn't work."
However-my own US countrymen are scrambling toward socialism without a
backward glance to freedom lost....

Good luck Russian citizens - esp to my Christian friends in Russia....

Gravatar PS--I have an idea for the Kremlin---
take a page from the US president and congress-just BAIL out the domestic car businesses!!!
Then-no riots.....


shoprat said...

It appears that the Russians are not quite Fascist in their government yet.

shoprat said...

PS Merry Christmas

christian soldier said...

sr-you've got that right-I have friends who are Christians and are a strong presence in the LIFE movement in Russia...