Thursday, December 31, 2009
Rush Limbugh-GOD Bless and Protect You...
Just decided to post an official acknowledgment and :
"Rush-our payers are for your complete recovery!"
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Sex Book for First Graders Taught in Public Schools-Isn't It Time to Homeschool!???!!!
Do you REALLY want your young children to be taught group sex?
Isn't time to consider HOME EDUCATION!!!!!
I'll get into the other PROPAGANDA that has been FED to us in the US via our schools over the last 60 years...Later!!
Take a look at this from bho's 'safe schools czar' Kevin Jennings ...
The post has many wonderful links.....
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Want A SMILE -One of Our BEST w/His Guitar and a Song from Afghanistan....
Monday, December 28, 2009
Going to See This One!!!!--Clash of the Titans-Release Date -April 2010-Notice the Words....
the attempted bombings of the Delta flights - Detroit...
and the wimpy response from bho and his crew....
I'm going to see this movie just ...
Based on these words from it...(I love words :-)
"Someday-somebody's going to have to make a stand!"
"Somebody's going to have to say - enough!"
and from the dark side:
"...turn them on each other...."
h/t my favorite French blog:
WE in the US Have Become SHEEP ...Following the Wrong Shepherd....
and I'm not talking -just- b-hussein-o ---I'm talking Lucifer the Dark Side's 'shepherd'!!!
The Dark Side is made up of the likes of bill ayers-saul alinsky (who gave lucifer honor in his book RfR), hillary clinton (she sat at alinsky's feet), the people who follow the koran,..shall I go on?!!!
My comment on another site as to the security 'rules' for flying:
-the US citizenry has become a flock of sheep!!
Instead of organizing and demanding that our government officials-nation wide REALLY deal with the perverted perps protected by CAIR and et al........we nod SHEEPISHLY and :
take off our shoes ...
take off our watches...
allow strip searches....
and NOW...
no leaving our seats the last hour of a flight...
no blankets/pillows...
These are absolutely USELESS measures ...and just window dressing ...
I-for one-am waiting for us in the US to demand action and not ineffective RoEs and stupidity all around....
UP-DATE: I left this comment at Z's site in regard to the 'peaceful Swiss village'...
God forbid that we in the US become 'neutral' the Swiss!!!
'Neutral' is an anathema to peace...
Our Lord was not and is not 'neutral'!!
If one desires 'peace' --one must prepare for WAR..
We are dealing w/humans-some who follow the Dark Side (lucifer)..
Sunday, December 27, 2009
HIS-story-Messiah -KING-Shows that HE Will Be BACK....
As you know-I read the Old KJV --This is the KJV of John 20:7...
"...and the napkin, that was about his head , not lying with the linen clothes, but wrapped together in a place by itself."
The master of the house folded his napkin to indicate to his servants -that he would RETURN!!!
A note to the self indulged 'masters' or 'royals' in our government..
This is from an e-message:
Why Did Jesus Fold
the Napkin?
This is one I can honestly say
I have never seen circulating in the
e-mails so; I'll start it, if it touches
you and you want to forward it.
Why did
Jesus fold the linen burial cloth after His
resurrection? I never noticed
The Gospel of John (20:7) tells
us that the napkin, which was placed over the
face of Jesus, was not just thrown aside like
the grave clothes.
The Bible takes an
entire verse to tell us that the napkin was
neatly folded, and was placed at the head of
that stony coffin.
Early Sunday morning,
while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene came to
the tomb and found that the stone had been
rolled away from the entrance.
She ran
and found Simon Peter and the other disciple,
the one whom Jesus loved.. She said, 'They have
taken the Lord's body out of the tomb, and I
don't know where they have put
Peter and the other disciple ran to
the tomb to see. The other disciple out ran
Peter and got there first. He stopped and looked
in and saw the linen cloth lying there, but he
didn't go in.
Then Simon Peter arrived
and went inside. He also noticed the linen
wrappings lying there, while the cloth that had
covered Jesus' head was folded up and lying to
the side.
that important? Absolutely!
Is it really
significant? Yes!
In order to understand the
significance of the folded napkin, you have to
understand a little bit about Hebrew tradition
of that day.
folded napkin had to do with the Master and
Servant, and every
Jewish boy knew this
When the servant set the
dinner table for the master, he made sure that
it was exactly the way the master wanted
The table was furnished perfectly,
and then the servant would wait, just out of
sight, until the master had finished eating, and
the servant would not dare touch that table,
until the master was finished.
Now if the
master were done eating, he would rise from the
table, wipe his fingers, his mouth, and clean
his beard, and would wad up that napkin and toss
it onto the table.
The servant would then
know to clear the table. For in those days, the
wadded napkin meant, "I'm
But if the master got up from
the table, and folded his napkin, and laid it
beside his plate, the servant would not dare
touch the table, because..........
folded napkin meant,
coming back."
Thursday, December 24, 2009
MERRY CHRIST-mas-My Friends...It's CHRIST-mas EVE....
I must go out and listen for my horse to 'talk'--
as well as my dog and cat...
You all know that the animals 'talk' on Christmas Eve---
I'll touch bases with you all on Saturday...
God Bless You All..
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
HIS story-2000 year old Battle-That Led to the Magna Carta and the U.S. Constiution .....
The historical battle - fought 2000 years ago- led to the free country we in the U.S. have today--
The RED highlights are mine---BTW-being 1/2 Dane -1/4 Irish-1/4 York Dutch--I have a great interest in this history lesson!!
BTW-in reference to one highlight- our Founders also took on the most powerful army the world..!!! Are we ready to do battle! At the ballot box - first step!?????
Note:the writer-- John Eidsmoe - retired U.S. Air Force Lt Col. and Lutheran Pastor- states this in the last paragraph..."....The land of the free chafes under the rule of a government that dwarfs that of Rome under a president who seeks more power that even King John could imagine."
MR at IBA gave me an h/t --this is my comment on his post:
Thank you for posting this and thank you for the h/t-MR-
We either learn our true history or we will silently allow tyranny ...
The 'slow slide' of our government officials wresting power and freedom has been revealed and an avalanche has begun...with this self - empowered group of 'royals' in our government......
Teutoburg Forest: The Battle That Saved the West | | Print | |
Written by John Eidsmoe |
Friday, 11 September 2009 15:00 |
Probably neither side realized that the Battle of Teutoburg Forest would decide the course of Western law and Western civilization for millennia to come. The Germans waited nervously behind the sod wall. Some of the older men, who had fought against the Roman legions during the campaigns of Drusus, Ahenobarbus, and Tiberius, or who had lost kinsmen in battles with those armies, hated the Romans with passion and were eager to attack the troops and to kill as many as they could. But most were frightened, even terrified, at the prospect of confronting the dreaded legions in face-to-face combat. In September of 9 A.D., Varus and his legions entered Teutoburg Forest. At this point, a torrential downpour occurred. And with the legions and their wagons bogged down in the rain and mud, Arminius and his warriors attacked. Within ten seconds of the start of the spear barrage, the marching units disintegrated into chaos. The attacked soldiers stopped walking, in order to try to defend themselves. Since they were marching in close formation and few could see much beyond the men immediately around them, those behind kept marching forward and crashed into their fellows. At first, soldiers farther back in the column were unaware of what was happening toward the front, and they kept pressing on.… Like a chain-reaction highway crash, men piled into one another.… With a deafening war cry, the German warriors then leaped over the earthworks and charged into the Roman ranks. “For the first time in their lives,” writes Wells, “they saw Roman legionaries — representatives of the imperial power that marched with impunity through their lands, bribing their chiefs and subverting their politics — powerless and helpless.” UPDATE: MR at IBA gave me an h/t --this is my comment on his post: Thank you for posting this and thank you for the h/t-MR- |
Monday, December 21, 2009
For My Women Pilot Friends...You Men Are Welcome! :-)
Gorgeous Women-and Red Wings - You'll Love the Christmas Song to Fight Cancer ...
The Detroit Red Wings organization is notorious for its charitable giving---
The Two gorgeous young women who perform in the video are the daughters of former Red Wing star... Igor Larionov!!!
I appreciate talent where-ever I find it :-)
It features the Larionov girls singing and cameos by many NHL stars, including Red Wings like Henrik Zetterberg, Kris Draper and Chris Osgood, to name just a few.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
HIStory - un re-written...Siege of Vienna...
Why--because-HIStory must be remembered (and taught to our young) or it will be forgotten and our young will be overtaken by the Dark Side (Lucifer's kids).....
The first will be the siege of Vienna...there are several videos--
from Avenging Apostate....
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Heart Attack Grill-MakesMe Want to Go to Arizona!!!
UP DATE:this is to clarify as to the reason I posted this video on fattening foods:
The owner in the Dr.'s coat --- admitted that he was not a physician-
the whole scenario is a diss to the healthy movement---which is soon to be government mandated---check out the public schools...A must read is _ 1984_ by Orwell!!--I just read it recently-
scary --the book is prophetic as to what is going on now - government control of everything..and we had better be wary...
Friday, December 18, 2009
Christmas Hymns and Songs Played By LA Public High School Band-
In Los Angeles, California...
Having listened to the band gives me courage to continue the battle ...!!!
Humor of Islam-
The President of CAIR, Mr. Hooper did say he'd sue me, but I told him that would be very un-Islamic. He backed down. The only way to win a battle with Islamists, is to use their own texts against them. It works!
and another:
The title, "The Humor of Islam…you’ll die laughing" is actually a sarcastic twist on a Sharia law that forbids laughing too much. Which made me laugh too much.
h/t : Always on Watch
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Ground Zero MOSQUE!!! Old War --Only One Side Fighting....
they the THEY are laughing at us in the U.S.
I Love Excellent Talent in the Musical Arts-Soldiers From the UK....
Sgt Major-Gary Chilton
Sgt. -Richie Maddocks
L.Cpl. -Ryan Idzi
The YouTube scroll -via the above video- has more of their songs...
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Navy Caoch Niumataloto -A Man of Honor...His Interview after the Army-Navy Game....
Even though I'm a GO ARMY beat Navy person---the Navy coach giving credit to those volunteers on both sides who are going to serve brought tears to my eyes...and he had great emotion ---
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Muslim Brotherhood Speaker at Fort Hood- CBN- and Saudi Prince - Al-Waleed now 4th Largest Shareholder of FOX--Fair and Balanced -Going-Going-Gone?
FOX has a new shareholder-Saudi Prince-Al-Waleed....
.Recall that he was the Saudi prince who made headlines after September 11th when he visited Ground Zero and offered then-New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani a $10 million check for relief efforts.
A few days later, however, the prince released a statement that blamed the United States and its support for Israel for the devastating 9/11 attacks. To his credit, “America’s Mayor” immediately returned the prince’s check with a statement: “There is no moral equivalent for this attack. The people who did it lost any right to ask for justification when they slaughtered…innocent people….Not only are those statements wrong, they’re part of the problem.”
YOU ALL REMEMBER 9-11 and the 'Princely' check and the 'princely' blame of US for 9-11 - don't you!???
I will be watching CBN (Christian Broadcasting Network) news more often and FOX less--
FOX-with a Saudi prince as 4ht largest shareholder can no longer be trusted to be fair and balanced!!!
CHRISTIAN NATION!! Before You LORD We Bow..Francis S.Key!!!
This IS a Christian Nation and has always been a Christian Nation-founded by Christians!!!!
h/t Lutheran Hymnal :
Before You, Lord, We Bow
By: Francis S. Key
Before you, Lord, we bow,
Our God who reigns above
And rules the world below,
Boundless in power and love.
Our thanks we bring
In joy and praise,
Our hearts we raise
To you, our king!
The nation you have blest
May well your love declare,
From foes and fears at rest,
Protected by your care.
For this bright day,
For this fair land
Gifts of your hand
Our thanks we pay.
May every mountain height,
Each vale and forest green,
Shine in your Word’s pure light,
And its rich fruits be seen!
May every tongue
Be tuned to praise
And join to raise
A grateful song.
Earth, hear your Maker’s voice;
Your great Redeemer own;
Believe, obey, rejoice,
And worship him alone.
Cast down your pride,
Your sin deplore,
And bow before
The Crucified.
And when in power he comes,
Oh, may our native land
From all its rending tombs
Send forth a glorious band,
A countless throng,
With joy to sing
To heaven’s high king
Salvation’s song!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
CHRISTIAN General Speaks the About Islamic Terror- His Career Affected Negatively ...
Boykin states the Ft. Hood -terror/murders --- and not dealing w/ Hasan- were "..leadership failure"...
He tells it like it is....the Diversity crowd -in the military and in government -did not and do not like the truth....
His Christianity and truth-telling got his career stalled...
When are we CHRISTIANS going to stop being NICE>>>>!????
My Post on 'Diversity' at West Point...the 'diversity' concert video tells it all...
FROST-Snow-Los Angeles!!-No Global Warming ...
Photos to follow-ASA I figure out how to insert the 'thing-a ma-jiggy' into the other 'tamj' to post this morning's photos...
Monday, December 7, 2009
I Took a Couple Days Off..
Take a look at my web-site- I have some new paintings posted ---
One is my answer to the global warming B_ _ _ $_ _ _ !!! It has a bull giving it back to the 'so called ' global warming lie....
Friday, December 4, 2009
My Answer to Government School Propaganda--HUMAN Baby - From 6 Weeks -24 Weeks -to BIRTH ..
During my presentations- if there are children in the audience- I ask:
"Hey- you guys--
What is inside the mother dog?" "Puppies!" (Please know that to them a puppy is a baby dog)
What is inside the mother cat?" "Kittens!!!"
What is inside a mother person?" "A BABY!!!" giggles and big smiles...
Interesting- that grown humans - propagandized in our schools -do not know that baby humans are being terminated !!! Children know what's in there- adults do not!!
Thank you LA Lutherans for Life for this video:
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Gosh -I Chose the 'Right' Photos of Our Cadets.--Hidden Messages Anyone!!..and Their Reading Materials ---Before the Big Blogs ...
Brad Thor ---I chose the photo of the Cadet with the Thor novel (Dec.1)..I read it myself....
This is from the article linked below...

_However, a photo with a glimpse of a book being read by a cadet sitting behind the "Kill Bin Laden" reader might have been of more interest to conservative readers (though at least one conservative blog spotlighted it).
That book, Brad Thor's The Apostle, according to another Publisher's Weekly excerpt at, deals with "Robert Alden, the new and naïve U.S. president, [who] has just taken office with a landslide victory, due mainly to the assistance of strategist Stephanie Gallo, who 'delivered the mainstream media for him on a silver platter.'"_
The links were dated Dec 2& Dec 3-- -Mine Dec. 1 !!!Well-You read the 'biggies' and tell me---I love it---and to think I was going to stop blogging...!!!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Air Force -Forced to Remove F-22 - for bho Photo Op
h/t : Left coast Rebel.:

Col. Millett-Medal of Honor Awardee---A True Hero....
BTW-I noticed - after reading it the second time --that Col. Millett was an ARTIST!!!--his self -portrait: and the link to the article....
Millett led the way and routed the Chinese. His Medal of Honor citation reads: “His dauntless leadership and personal courage so inspired his men that they stormed into the hostile position and used their bayonets with such lethal effect that the enemy fled in wild disorder.”

Col. Millett's self-portrait of the charge.
Thank You-- Crusader Rabbit:
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
West Point Cadets-Reading While Waiting for bho....Silence During 'Applause ' Time


Some cadets had trouble keeping their eyes open.
After the 'speech' -- the 'required' standing ovation ---well--the Cadets were slow to stand----unlike the resounding response when Reagan was there --
More photos:
BTW-Brad Thor is one of my new-favorite authors...
Thought I Was Prepared for the Pure Hate Spewed from Both Sides of the Racial Divide---I Wasn't!!!.
Read the comments from racists from both 'sides' and listen carefully to the 'minister and singing congregation' on the video....
h/t: Gateway Pundit....
This brings to mind a post I wrote questioning the "WHY" of racism and WHO WINS because of it ---winning being --who gains MONEY and POWER by keeping the racists fighting....!???
Monday, November 30, 2009
MOOR Baiting-SRS-Now BHO-Baiting by Somali Terrorists....Interesting....
I knew there had to be a reason why the SRS is still going strong-and why our military still trains with HORSES..
Somali terrorists train using B. Hussein Obama (MOOR Baiting?)as target practice....
I read the article last week- there were no photos of terrorists on horse-back!
Thank you - Jim Hoft- Gateway Pundit for this:

h/t Gateway :
BTW--my comment on his site:
Our guys had better be training to ride bare-back too-or the terrorist will be a big problem!
If you can ride bare-back and still do battle-you are an EXCELLENT horseman!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Anti - TERRORIST Warfare --Taught at a Miltiary Academy-1970's-From the Book-"The Centurians"...Made into a movie-- LOST COMMAND>>>
The trailer leads me to believe that -with all that is happening today-in the Mid East- and traitorous -TERRORIST attacks on our troops-both over there and on home ground --Ft. Hood...(being one of MANY--TERROR ATTACKS!!!!!) it is a book and a movie for today!!!!
h/t: a fellow warrior.....
Friday, November 27, 2009
In England --You Can Be Jailed for Silence!!!!...
If you do not think it could happen here in the Progressive Socialist leaning U.S. --Think again...
Read and beware!:
h/t : Crusader Rabbit....
TAXES and Govenment Control=Cap N'Trade--Two Great Takes...One Funny-One Profound...
BTW-My Minnesota friends could have made this video--they pray for "global WARMING" :
This one is -out of the mouths of children...
h/t Bryan-Clay Tablet...
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Thank You Brave Ones Who Came For FREEDOM
and to all of the brave ones -'over there'--
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
West Point Cadet Is Winner of a Rhodes Scholarship ...
Note:it is an honor to be named as a Rhodes Scholar..
Rhodes scholarships were created in 1902 by the estate of British
philanthropist Cecil Rhodes.
Winners are selected on the basis of high
academic achievement, personal integrity, leadership potential and
physical vigor, among other attributes.
This from the article linked below:
Elizabeth Betterbed of the small community of Fox Island in the southern tip of the Puget Sound was named among the scholarship winners announced early Sunday.
She was one of 32 men and women from across the United States selected from 805 applicants . Betterbed is a senior at West Point, where she is a majoring in mechanical engineering.
Her father, Thomas Betterbed, says that Elizabeth has grabbed every opportunity she's had in life and that she looks for challenges every day.
The 21-year-old grew up loving soccer and decided to apply to West Point, seeking a challenge for her college year
Sunday, November 22, 2009
How Can We Believe in an Invisible Creator---
This video will be my answer to all of the snooty elites-the 'super' educated -Darwinists...
Notice that credit is given to Christ (on the final credit scroll)
From the creators of the -World of Warcraft-(Oxhorn)--these creative young people are doing what Christ asked us to do ---'Occupy til I come" Luke 19 --in other words-HOLD THE HIGH GROUND that HE has won...
They are doing it by using their art form!!!
OCCUPY is a WAR term!!!
The INVISIBLE Pink Unicorn--it will bring a smile --
Saturday, November 21, 2009
You Are Going to ROF_LOL--and LOVE This!!! ACRONYMS Anyone!!
I have been told that the creators of this video are also creators from the world wide game >>>World of Warcraft!!!
I was also struck with the acknowledgment to CHRIST --via the CREDITS scroll:
I LOVE these Creative types!!!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Ft. Bragg...Palin...Restricted...
BTW-Sarah-I'm glad you resigned---at least temporarily...
Just to add a little trip down memory lane---the troops in the field VOTE absentee--I recall that their votes were not counted in a certain Florida election (a few years ago) and -more recently- were not counted-YET- in the 23rd -NY. Don't our BEST deserve to have their votes counted!?
Fort Bragg, which is base for some 35,000 soldiers, does not hold many promotional events, especially not with political figures. Officials said they worried that media coverage would turn the appearance into a chance for people to express political opinions "directed against the commander in chief."
"The main reason is to stop this from turning into a political platform," said Fort Bragg spokesman Tom McCollum. "There are Army regulations that basically prohibit military reservations from becoming political platforms by politicians."
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Big-Bad-U.S. Soldiers-Terrorizing Children in the War Zone...

h/t :Flopping Aces:click link for more OUTRAGEOUS photos of our BEST... :-)
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Pyramids Compared to the Awesome Wonder That FREEDOM Produced-- the 7-11 Store
It's time for us in the U.S. to 'get a grip' and look through the historical 'map' with eyes to see the wonders of free market and the results of FREEDOM to experiment and explore...
h/t:Avenging Apostate at IBA:
Monday, November 16, 2009
EAGLE SCOUT Volunteering OUT-Thug "Volunteers" IN...
Now the union thugs are after the Boy Scout who has put in 200+ hours to clear a path to gain his Eagle Scout rank....
bho and mo and their acorn-seiu friends are touting 'volunteerism' ..unless it is a Boy Scout....
Read it a weep-=my friends....:,0,6238384.story
h/t M.Malkin
Saturday, November 14, 2009
U.S.. History-No Bowing By U.S. Citizens---bho-Bows Again....
We bow before KING JESUS-that's it--
The motto of the American Revolution is --NO KING BUT KING JESUS!!!
Sadly-history has been re-written in our schools w/ no emphasis in reading the actual Founding Documents-thus-most of those educated from 1950 on - do not know the true history of this country...
bho* bows again-this time in subservience to the emperor* of Japan -

You all remember the bow before the Saudi-
Thursday, November 12, 2009
White Guys OUT--at USNA-Diversity -Diverstiy Everywhere!!!
Remember my post about WP diversity-- even using the WP Glee Club and Band !??
This news about the US Naval Academy:my take....
Two WHITE Midshipmen -who worked hard and earned the right to be on the color guard were told at the last minute - that they were being replaced for DIVERSITY'S sake---
Could one of the replacements be a Muslim---Hameed is his name...Hmmmmm!!!
I place this 'teaser' here for a reason-from Diane West:
Two white, male members of the color guard learned Oct. 28 they were being replaced with a white woman, Midshipman 2nd Class Hannah Allaire, and a non-white man, Midshipman 2nd Class Zishan Hameed, on orders of the school’s administration, according to an internal e-mail message provided to Navy Times by an academy professor. With a national television audience, Naval Academy leadership worried the color guard it planned to send wasn’t diverse enough, the e-mail said.
However, after the color guard arrived in New York for the game Oct. 29, Hameed, whose family is from Pakistan [on top of everything else], realized he had left his dress shoes and cover in Annapolis. Midshipman 1st Class Aaron Stroud regained his place and served as a rifleman for the presentation of the colors. Allaire carried the other rifle and the four original members marched with the flag
h/t CDR Salamander--Diversity at the Naval Academy too:
The Potemkin Color Guard goes mainstream
As the Midshipmen at the Naval Academy, family, friends, and alumni have been hoping, the story of active discrimination going on at Annapolis has broken into a major daily newspaper of record; The Washington Post. The NavyTimes article by Philip Ewing on Sunday was good - but the Washington Post brings it to a wider audienceThese were the two before...
This post may seem a bit 'haphazard' --these last 7 days (w/Ft Hood and et al.) have been mind-benders!!! However-I knew this 'stuff' was happening in our military ---
I just post it like I see it...!
Soldier Welcomed By A True Friend ..Dry Eyes -Please!
and check out the others on the scroll at the bottom of the video--my tears welled up--
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Thank You - Grandfather-Dad--Uncle-Spouse-Brothers-Nephew-Cousins and Friends--For Fighting for Us in the U.S.-Happy Verterans Day!!!!
Love and GOD Bless and Protect You--
From Thomas More Law:
Notice the words-"I'll bear that CROSS with honor"
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
It Takes Christian WomanTo Speak the Truth About Mo-
h/t Gates of Vienna....
Steve Yzerman-a man of honor-and his HOCKEY HOF Induction Speech....
There are those in sports who are men of honor---many are involved with HOCKEY!
Steve Yzerman's humility and willingness to give credit and to thank others-- reminds me of the honorable and humble TRUE leaders (officers and enlisted) in our military...
His speech at the Hockey Hall of Fame--HHOF-- Induction Ceremonies this week-end 2009...
Marine Corps Day November 10-God Bless You All
From the halls of Montezuma
To the shores of Tripoli
James Madison sent you again to finish the job- stating:
"It is a settled policy of America that as peace is better than war, war is better than tribute.
The United States, while they wish for war with no nation, will buy peace with none."
From 2008:
Monday, November 9, 2009
Are You Really Pro-Death (Choice)-This Is For the Yet To Be Born Christian Soldiers....
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Pray for Their Families-List of Ft Hood Murdered ...
The fatal victims of the Fort Hood shooting, as released by the Department of Defense on Saturday.
- 1. Lt. Col. Juanita Warman, 55, Havre de Grace, Md.
- 2. Maj. Libardo Caraveo, 52, Woodbridge, Va.
- 3. Cpt. John P. Gaffaney, 54, San Diego, Calif.
- 4. Cpt. Russell Seager, 41, Racine, Wis.
- 5. Staff Sgt. Justin Decrow, 32, Plymouth, Ind.
- 6. Sgt. Amy Krueger, 29, Kiel, Wis.
- 7. Spc. Jason Hunt, 22, Tillman, Okla.
- 8. Spc. Frederick Greene, 29, Mountain City, Tenn.
- 9. PFC Aaron Nemelka, 19, West Jordan, Utah
- 10. PFC Michael Pearson, 22, Bolingbrook, Ill.
- 11. PFC Kham Xiong, 23, St. Paul, Minn.
- 12. Pvt. Francheska Velez, 21, Chicago, Ill.
- 13. Michael G. Cahill, Cameron, Texas [civilian]
Wounded Warriors-Eph.6...for our BEST...
take a look at the Trace Adkins' take on the post below....
Bad Moon-CCR..the Words Seem Fitting for the Two Terror Executions of This Week
and some played the music of CCR-Credence Clearwater Revival:
the words to Bad Moon a Rising..are apropos for the Hell of this weekend-Ft. Hood muslim terror-and nancy P...un-Constitutional terror...
When are Christians going to STAND UP???? —
We are fighting an OLD WAR!!!
The majority of US citizens were ‘trained’ at the propagandized public schools– and do not see the ‘picture’ because they were never taught un-re-written history!!!
As to the Above Question…
I guess NEVER!!!!