Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Cheney for the RINO Hutchison TX-The GOPss Still Doesn't Get It!!

It is my understanding that Dick Cheney is endorsing RINO Kay Baily Hutchinson over Gov. Perry for TX Governor's race....
The "belt-wayers' STILL DON"T GET IT!
Hey DICK--Hoffman (NY 23rd) came in only 2 pts short - even after your RNC-GOP supported the turn -coat DeDe--with $1,000,000 ...
GOP RNC - no more $$$$ for you all..Ya hear!>>>>>>>

1 comment:

Danny Wright said...

I've always like Cheney because he gives the left and the media fits. That said, he IS a social liberal and his endorsement for a candidate, in my opinion, should be understood in that light. However, given his demonization in the media, perhaps this is a good thing for Perry.