Friday, November 6, 2009

Ft Hood Shooter -"Allah Akbar!" -It Will Be PC-d Under the Rug....

Mark my words --this will all be swept under the rug-covered up--
I call it P C d-UNDER THE RUG >>>to satisfy so called 'moderate' islam...
this article and a video:


MathewK said...

You're right, i had a look at two stories on the news and there is no mention of the allah akbar chant, only some bullshit about how he faced anti-muslim sentiment.

It's plainly obvious to anyone who wants to see, islam and the left are in this war against the west together.

christian soldier said...

MK-you are right! The PC crowd would rather have our soldiers and citizens murdered than call islam out! Thomas Jefferson would roll over in in his grave..he sent the Navy-Marines to rescue hostages.......(from the shores of Tripoli...)