Just what our soldiers need--another Benedict Arnold!!!
Are there enough Patriot votes to stop his confirmation?!!
John McHugh, New York (202) 225-4611
Insurance Broker, government worker. Shocker. Voted for Stimulus, Bailouts, etc. Nominated for Army Secretary, if confirmed will vacate his seat. Read between the lines. Coming aboard the SS Obamanation, this must have been his last 'F' 'U' to the GOP. Moot point on harassing him since he is leaving. Or is it? Burn up the lines! Wipe that smirk off your face, you are shameful to your country.
h/t leftcoastrebel
Insurance Broker, government worker. Shocker. Voted for Stimulus, Bailouts, etc. Nominated for Army Secretary, if confirmed will vacate his seat. Read between the lines. Coming aboard the SS Obamanation, this must have been his last 'F' 'U' to the GOP. Moot point on harassing him since he is leaving. Or is it? Burn up the lines! Wipe that smirk off your face, you are shameful to your country.
h/t leftcoastrebel
Exactly; pay to play. This is disgusting, even if it is not surprising. No one ever accused politicians of being men/women of integrity, which in this case is a good thing: it would be a false allegation.
I linked over to you, Carol.
M-isn't it sad that honor is no longer a factor in governmnent leadership?!
Thank you for the link...
The sad thing...it isn't a surprise anymore to see such corruption. This power grab is getting scarier by the day.
~Put you on my blog roll, Carol.
this is unreal......and so obvious.
SURE!! they've got a guy for the Army who they can now CONTROL.
And a seat's open which can be filled by a DEMOCRATIC!
It takes me a second sometimes, but I GET IT!
And, if we had an honest media, all Americans would get it.
Jim Demint mentioned last night that bloggers MUST keep blogging to get the truth out...thank goodness for BLOGGERS like you and Mustang...keep it up, Carol!
Some want a bail-out and some want to sell-out.
This guy is a Donk in Elephant garb. We don't need him.
Not only does he appear to be an opportunist who was told how to vote as the price of his prestige, he's also an an opportunity for the Democrats.
Good stuff, Carol.
Why does this not surprise me?? I'm sure if one should investigate the other 7 are also wolves in sheeps clothing. I, like Glen Beck, cannot fathom these people voting for something like this....They are killing this country and don't seem to mind at all. These figures they are throwing around does not account for OPEC raising the cost of oil....and last year I was paying up to $750.oo per mont for heating oil. With this bill God only knows what it'll be, but then again if Health Care gets voted in, I won't have to worry about heat, I will be killed by the pen and over the age of treatment.....I ramble,,stay well.....Anyway,,,Fire the lot......
L-I am honored and will put your site on my blog roll--we have to stick together...
Z-we are learning the tactics of the Dark Side aren't we?!
B-I'm beginning to think that the sell-out is the major aim....
SR-You generally see the issues the way I do ...sadly-most Rs are Dem lite....
ACM-Thank you for stopping by---I went to yours...good one AND you have been blogging for quite some time!! Thank you for standing in the gap til we 'newbies' caought up...
T- ramble all you want and thank you for doing it :-)
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