I don't know about you 'all' but- I've had enough of the 80-100-year slippery slide perpetrated on us in the US by the 'elitist' 'blue bloods' who are in cahoots w/ the international unions/banks and the internationalists in general---
Red Blooded American PATRIOTS ---only!!!
We can trade w/ the folks world -wide-ON OUR TERMS---
George Washington's admonitions come to mind---stay out of Europe's &/or other International affairs.. (paraphrase)...
Another President Bush
BTW-RINO -Rino-from my 1993 article
Carol, I do agree with you 100%. The problem is, who are these red blooded conservatives? I don't see any. Newt Gingrich? No way.
I don't see a single member of the GOP who is conservative and trustworthy enough to win my vote for the presidency.
M-me either-except -maybe- some of the women in it -Bachmann-Palin (except-she did endorse mccain)-Allen West-and Joe Miller- Alaska (my post)--then-lower your voice!
M-as to the Presidency-NONE!
remember newt gingrich sat on the couch w/nancy p.
Logically analyzing the option of Jeb Bush running: It doesn't even make the least bit of sense for the GOP to consider him due to the mere polarization and villianizing of George W. in the national view.
Irregardless of Jeb's platform or if anyone sides or does not side with George W. The idea of another Bush in the presidency is a wash. It would be a sure fire way to secure 4 more years of Obama.
In agreement with Mustang, I do not see a potentially strong candidate rising within the ranks of the GOP either.
If Jeb Bush were the GOP candidate I would do a write in. We have already had two of them and there is no way I am casting a ballot for a third. I am in complete agreement with you Carol.
Agreed Profusely.
And wouldn't we look like the banana republic with a Bush, then two of his offspring as President?
Jeez. He's not electable anyway.
I have mixed feelings about withdrawing from world affairs, but i can understand why Americans are wary of meddling in other people's affairs.
One thing is for sure, wolves in sheep's clothing are no good.
H-I do see a couple-but-they probably would not run...
WS-ThK -as I see it- there are more of us in the US who are tired of the 'old elite' 'families' of the GOP...
MK-wolves in sheep clothing are the RINOs - aren't they...
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