Saturday, February 7, 2009

Mother of USS Cole Victim is a Woman of Principle...Refuses a meet w/Obama....

OH!!! if only our R Party Senators had the spine to refuse an 'invitation' from this President - BHO -on principle...

Diane McDaniels-mother of James McDaniels-sailor -victim on the USS Cole--Diane voted for BHO but refused an invitation from the President.....
She is angry that the GITMO terroist bomber of the USS Cole has had his trial suspended....

This is a vid w/Cavuto on FOX:

Remember-no one refuses an invitation from the President of the United States!

Guess James McDaniels' mother has proven the 'insiders' wrong!!


Z said...

wasn't she GREAT!!?? A Black woman who made the horrible mistake of voting for the @$&^# and now realizing what a fraud he is...
I was so impressed with her..thanks! xxx

christian soldier said...

Z-I am too-and she has also lost a of our BEST---