Saturday, July 25, 2009

bho and the anti American Royals' Priorities are out of WACK...

Ramirez' cartoon and this F-22 Ad about say it all on the priorities of this anti-American -bho-administration and Dem government...thanks PCC for the video.


Bryan said...

It can boggle the mind on how some people are placed in positions of authority (in all sectors of society) when they really should not have been put their in the first place.

We could say that they are not qualified, but in a sense, maybe they are qualified, qualified to lead contrary to truth or in the opposite direction of that which is right.

"But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived" (2 Timothy 3:13.)

christian soldier said...

B-Lucifer and his 'kids' are alive and well--I know you agree that we must be more watchful...until Christ comes again...
Alinsky bestowed homage upon Lucifer in his book RfR...