Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Honduras Updates--Freedom Must Be Supported By US in the U.S. .....

Thank you Carlos for the extensive list of link updates regarding the situation in Honduras:
My Christian friends---FREEDOM is the heart cry of all people---
Tyranny is the goal of Lucifer's 'kids' ...Lucifer -the Dark Side....
We are in a battle....

BTW-the word coup to describe the situation is not true...don't believe the representatives of the Dark Side...



Carlos Echevarria said...

thanks for cross posting

Z said...

that obama's supporting Zelaya is UNBELIEVABLE (or IS it)
Mr Z wants to know what Zelaya was doing in DC......before he tried to go back? Hmmmm

christian soldier said...

C-you are so welcome my friend...

Z-considering the administration have..OK I'll say it :-)--betrayal of freedom loving Hondurans....

Bryan said...

"Lucifer -the Dark Side....We are in a battle...."

And a battle it is!

But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer. --1 Peter 4:7

shoprat said...

Perhaps a coup is the right word, but who says that a coup is always a bad thing? Sometimes the overthrow of the government can be a good thing. Coup or not, Obama is on the wrong side of justice, as usual.

christian soldier said...

B-thank you for the verse--focused -watchful-and in prayer...

SR-How true-on a post -I will post a quote from Washington,George-that is SO politically incorrect...all here will like it :-)