Sunday, August 30, 2009

How Would John Have Described the F-22-Humvee-Tanks--Submarines...

Thoughts to ponder--Revelations / Jonah and the Whale....

God revealed to John the scenario of the End Times...

What if God showed John>>>
The F-22 Raptor ..
The Humvee-
A Submarine-
Night Vision Goggles-???>>>>>

My Take-
John would not have been able to describe them - 2000+ years ago-
He wrote the description of the above in visual language that the people of the time could understand...

To Jonah and the Whale--
What if the Whale were really a Submarine...?
(The idea was brought forth during our Bible Study today)

I just connected it to the Revelation account-because I always believed that God can reveal future events and technologies....
The scribes-whether it be John or the scribe who wrote the Jonah account-had to put the awesome visuals into common language....


Carlos Echevarria said...

Did you see Dick Cheney on FNC with Wallace???

He was awesome, I love that man!

shoprat said...

I tend to think that John wrote in symbols to keep things shadowed until it was ready, though there does seem to be nukes described in several prophetic books.