Thursday, June 17, 2010

Christian Mission at UCLA!!!-

I support Pastor Jasa- understand-he does this all of the time-he is a missionary stationed by the Creator - God-- at UCLA
Student #1

Student # 2

Sometimes we forget that there is a necessity for missions here!!!! Our young need the TRUTH!


Z said...

thanks for calling my att'n to this, Carol.
I thought he did a very good job...I thought he really reeled in the first guy and I thought he was coming at the second guy completely wrong (Bible instead of apologetics) but then I saw he did just the right thing!
Would you send me how to get him some support via email?
He's spoken twice at our church and I'm impressed with him...thanks SO much. What a guy!

christian soldier said...

Z-did you notice that student # 2 was standing an carefully listening to Mark talking w/ student # 1...

and-yes-I'll contact you via e-mail...

I met him because someone affiliated w/ Feminists for Life knew my name and LA Lutherans for Life...the world is small-isn't it...