Saturday, September 4, 2010

A Woman -It Takes Strong Women -Doesn't It!!

Her words in this video say it all--
to the RINOS RNC-GOP-elites-I will add-- GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!


William Stout said...

It takes belief in a cause greater than yourself, it takes personal responsibility and integrity, and it takes a positive self image in order to step up and run for office. God bless her and I hope that she stomps the RINO.

christian soldier said...

WS-snd -the elites in the GOP don't try to sabotage her...she-Bachmann-Palin-allen West-Rubio-Miller-Parker-Reed-Fioirna --my our- list is getting longer--yehh

Anonymous said...

Both the GOP and DNC are dumping on her something awful. Lies and exaggerations. Is this what our founding fathers wanted? No.

Mike Castle ... Chris Coons ... filth. But we are talking about the state that elected Joey The Ditz Biden seven times, right?

christian soldier said...

M-I seeing no difference in the 'elites' of either party...and it is making me cringe and focus on the 'battle'-- both at the same time...

MathewK said...

Good on her, here's to hoping she wipes the floor with the rino. rinos are worse than democrats.