Sunday, May 1, 2011

A Broken Foot Led to a Pro-Life Group..LA LFL-

LA Lutherans for Life was started -because I broke my foot and could not do much--
Most know that I am very active - so laying around is difficult for me--
I thought- why not start a pro- life group - called a few of my close friends - they agreed to help-called National Lutherans for Life - 1994--and we are still going strong...
Take a look at our site-let me know what you think...

The rest of this story is in the Special Features section..

One from the video section-brings tears every time:

Is.59-God Asks-"..what are you doing about the shedding of innocent blood..."


Z said...

Carol, isn't it wonderful that you turned lemons into lemonade! Good for you, and congratulations that the group's going strong!

My Bible study director of a 250 group of women which has met every week for 42 years under her supervision, broke her leg so bad she was in bed for 3 months and got the message that she should go into teaching the BIble...well, she SURE DID!
You never know what good comes from bad things, do you!

keep it up!

christian soldier said...

Z- (-:
Give your Bible Study Director my best-OK--

Another-more serious injury led to my decision to have a child-best one I ever made--
That decision led to Homeschool decision while he was in the womb--which led to meeting a true historian who taught about American's Founding -
that led to my 'conversion' from semi-lib- to being a Constitutional - pro-life conservative!!

WomanHonorThyself said...

oiy feel better girl!!! xxoo

Kid said...

Carol, there are a bunch of these on YouTube but I liked this one as it had a lot of info I never heard before.

christian soldier said...

K-just e-mailed my LA LFL 'web master' and asked him to put the fabulous video link in your comment-on the LA LFL site--
Thank you- for standing for LIFE!!

Kid said...

I don't know how anyone could Not stand for life. But I have some insight into how young kids can get to where they don't understand or get overwhelmed by things. A pity.