Friday, May 21, 2010

BEST Accused by Enemy-Pentagon Investigates Our BEST - What..

Our BEST are fighting a war run by the UN -NATO---
The RoEs (Rules of Engagement ) are such that they have to 'double think' on the battle field--
The enemy uses women and children as shields because the enemy knows our "rules"...
Our BEST get killed!!
Afghanistan-US Troops Accused-Pentagon

Remember- they use mosques as cover---
they use children as shields...
Our BEST are better than they ....


MathewK said...

If they're doing the wrong thing, they should be punished, which is fair enough in my opinion, but too many times, those bureaucratic scum back at home are just out to screw over our finest, perhaps to please their political masters, so i'll err on the side of the troops.

The same shit happens in Britain as well, not surprisingly both countries are led by liberal administrations.

christian soldier said...

MK-I know---