Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Brewer for President!!!-SHE-Protects the Border and the SECOND AMENDMENT!!---GO ARIZONA

Governor Brewer for President!!!!!
Where are the Republican men - with a set??---Guess it takes a woman!!!!
the MR link gives you the entire article....

A new Arizona law allows any U.S. citizen 21 or older to carry concealed weapons without needing a permit from the state first. New Mexico is expected to follow Arizona’s lead.

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer signed the law with the no-permit requirement into law recently, The new law will go into effect 91 days after the State Legislature adjourns so it will be early summer of 2010 meaning the law would take effect sometime in the summer, according to reports.
"I believe this legislation not only protects the Second Amendment rights of Arizona citizens, but restores those rights as well," Brewer, a Republican, said in a statement.
Thanks MR


midnight rider said...

good stuff, ain't it :)

christian soldier said...

thank you for stopping by -nappilesbyan--I'll be over to visit your site...

MR-Gov Brewer is one strong individual...and so are most Arizonans...thank you for letting me 'swipe' ...

TS/WS said...

Thanks for adding my blog on your blog list I will add you too.