Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Franklin Graham - stated that Islam is EVIL - Will be Going to the Pentagon even though he was dis-invited by the regime....

Franklin Graham-a " straight shooter"--dis-invited by bho to the National Day of Prayer event at the Pentagon-for calling the religion of Islam -EVIL!!
Understand-Rev. Graham has a son who is one of our BEST and serving his FOURTH deployment!!!
h/t: Gateway Pundit...

BTW-Rev. Graham is the type of Christian leader for whom I have been waiting!!!

BTW II-Starr Parker is running against key dangling Laura Richardson-for the 37th Congressionsl District-CA!!! More on this later...


WomanHonorThyself said...

hiya Carol..anyone who tells the truth is branded as evil..sick!

christian soldier said...

WHT-right out of the Alinsky Rfor R book-they do it all of the time!!!