Wednesday, October 13, 2010

China Claims Texas Oil and Gas - HUH!!!

Somebody help me understand this-
OH - wait- I do understand - our "royals " in government- you know them -
are supposed to be serving us in the US-
BUT they have determined that we in the US cannot drill for our OWN OIL and gas--BUT- China - CAN!!
It's time to "CAN" the TRAITORS -Let's VOTE THEM OUT!!
CHINA Claims Texas OIL and GAS


Kid said...

Saw that one coming. And how much does anyone want to bet that all the foreign companies will be subject to the same safety regulations..

WomanHonorThyself said...

vote them out indeed Carol!

Z-man said...


The Conservative Think Tank said...

Who listens to China?
Besides Obama!

Z-man said...

You know it's absolutely amazing when I go say retail shopping practically everything is Made in China. Well not everything, you do have Honduras and Malaysia too but talk about a trade imbalance!! Seems to me the only conservatives who talk about these things are people like Pat Buchanan and look at the treatment he gets.

christian soldier said...

TK-safety regs for countries other that the US - riiiight :-)

WHT-great post you have at your site - my Patriot friend...

ZM-NWO indeed-and - those who agree w/ us - always get 'eye rolls'--from both side of the aisle..

C-16-sadly-bho and many Rs have 'bowed' to the Chinese...
will be over to see your site..

William Stout said...

The Red Chinese virtually own the U.S.A. and our government seeks greater dependency upon them. I wouldn't be surprised if Obama were in negotiations to merge territory with them.

MathewK said...

You sometimes wonder, are they so bloody stupid or is it just outright treachery. i think it's stupidity because even the worst traitors try to hide their treachery.

Perhaps it's stupidity mixed with disdain. Something that can only be fixed by a good whipping.

christian soldier said...

WS- the Chinese own us because our "leaders" allowed them to own us and from both side of the aisle to boot!!

MK- I do believe that our 'royals' hate the percepts established in the Founding of this country--thus- they need to GO away!!