Thursday, October 7, 2010

Remember-Never Forget-Our 9-11 Rescue Dogs

The Golden Lab-Sirius- brought tears-even before I knew that he had perished searching for survivors-
He reminded me so much of our Golden Lab- General Schwarzkopf
-General was born shortly after Desert Storm - thus- he was named for the great commanding General of that conflict...
General Schwarkopf wanted to -FINISH the JOB- but- the powers that be- including the first Pres Bush - PCd out--in other words- chickened out!!!
Have a tissue ready!

h/t: Angel-WHT


MathewK said...

Great friends of man aren't they. We have many of them helping our soldiers, saving their lives and giving up theirs when called upon.

christian soldier said...

MK-when one looks for a true friend-one only has to look at his/her pets...
and the dogs do protect our BEST - don't they...