Saturday, October 30, 2010

University "Intellectuals" Are Killing America-Atlas Shrugged-We Are Shrugging-Tea Party -Again!

University 'intellectuals' are killing America

Life Liberty Property-


Kid said...

She does it so well. But I have to say, watching these liberals and how they think...
To help them understand, it's like you have to follow them around 24 hours a day explaining everything.

Which of course agrees with my statement that liberals have the minds of children. How can you possibly bring a child into an adult world of understanding. You can't.

Therefore the only political policy that can turn this freighter around is one that will be regarded as a dictator on the right. One that forces a time out on the liberals and makes them go to their room until conservatives can undo all the damage that has been done.

Gonna be a tough job.

christian soldier said...

TK-dictator on the right-I like that-
and-if we get someone who actually believes in and is willing to re-establish the original Constitution-
it will be a shock to most Americans-seeing as they have never been taught the Constitutional percepts in our tax payer $$$ public schools...

William Stout said...

I see the leftist influence at school nearly every day. I have a philosophy professor who attacks Christianity constantly. I see SDS flyers on bulletin boards recruiting students for activism, and I hear negative comments about the tea parties and how they are all Nazis frequently. Even the students participating in the ROTC program do not wear their uniforms because of the leftist atmosphere on campus. Intellectual freedom and expression is not alive and well at American universities.

At the core of leftist ideals is deceit. They talk a good game, but when they manage to take over they never deliver on their promises and promote their inability to deliver on their lies as the fault of the right as they work steadily to destroy the morals and values of society in order to begin the process of overwriting our freedoms and replacing them with the ideas and cruelty of Marx, Lenin, and Mao.

Brave new world indeed.

MathewK said...

I'm not a follower of libertarianism, however i'm more than partial to their philosophy of limited, despised and starved government.

christian soldier said...

WS-it has been overt slide to the complete progressive take over of our ed system--however-not so overt-
john dewey and his fellow progressives got together at the turn of the last century and wrote a plan to take over the ed system of the US-and the plan succeeded..we we not awake!

MK-just voted-some slots I had to vote American Independent-I agree- Libertarian is a shade over for me too...