Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Buy a GUN -It's the Law -in SD-I Hope It Passes--

Taking Ann Coulter's words seriously -Remember - she recently stated that everyone should be required to carry a gun and a Bible

Well-a SD legislator has written a _Bill to mandate that all SD citizens own a Gun_ for defense-


MathewK said...

She has a damn good point, if they can force you to buy health insurance, they can force you to do just about anything. Just look at what we're forced to do in Australia.

We're forced to fund all sorts of useless socialist crap all the time with no say whatsoever.

Anonymous said...

I think Montana has a similar law now and it does make perfect sense. Good people out-number the bad. So if good people are required to own a firearm for defense, the bad guys don't stand a chance. Isn't that the point?

highboy said...

The libs can try reverse psychology, but as everyone is pointing out, they're forcing me to buy health insurance. This law by liberals own standard is totally viable.

Kid said...

That Is great. One of those things that happen because liberals are so freaking stupid, Er I Mean Unintended Consequences of their legislation......

christian soldier said...

You all have succinctly stated -that- the Constitution Founders knew what they were about!! :-)