Sunday, September 25, 2011

9-11 BOATLIFT-Heroes and an Uplift for US All- Encouraged to Keep Fighting the Dark Side...

This is a perfect example of Christ's command in Lk .19 to OCCUPY TIL I COME!
Occupy - to hold the ground won- to hold the high ground...
These men are TRUE LEADERS!!!-and HEROES!!
Be prepared for uplifting -heart tear moments....
It has encouraged me to keep blogging...not to give up- to keep fighting the Dark Side...
h/t Z


MathewK said...

All it takes to fight evil is for good men to do something.

God bless them.

Wonderful video, thanks Carol.

christian soldier said...

MK-you are welcome-sad that it is not getting a wider showing..guess we in the bog world will have to 'pick up the ball'