Friday, May 21, 2010

Our BEST Return Home-Thanks Serum de' Liberte...

If this doesn't bring tears to your heart and eyes - No Thing will---
As I said-I have several blog favorites from other countries --who love respect FREEDOM and want the United States to 'survive' (with the original intent of Constitutional percepts)
h/t :Serum de Liberte (translated version) -one of my favorites --and from France...
US Soldiers Returning Home...


MathewK said...

My favorite was the dog, i saw that a long time ago and still love it.

I'm thinking those were the best thanks those soldiers could get, that's who they were going to fight for at the end of the day.

christian soldier said...

MK-I had to post it-- even though I had seen sections of it before---I love these guys and their families...

Jg. for FatScribe said...

excellent reminder. love this post and this msg. of sacrifice that the soldier and their family make on behalf of us, the entire Western world, to keep us safe from the encroaching vapidness of the radicalized East (N. Korea/China) and Middle-East which has far too long controlled us because the US can't seem to get a real energy policy that makes sense.

christian soldier said...

FS-it is time for us in the US to muscle up-and exemplify our are right!!!...

midnight rider said...

Good Stuff. Swiped it (of course)