Saturday, October 30, 2010
University "Intellectuals" Are Killing America-Atlas Shrugged-We Are Shrugging-Tea Party -Again!
Life Liberty Property-
ARMY Football-A Win -VALOUR IT -Army is 1/2 way to goal of $15,000
Army is leading AF-N-M- in the Valour IT realm-
Valour IT-providing voice command computers to our Wounded BEST-
Have you checked the site at Soldiers' Angels--Our BEST deserve all of the help we can give...
Lisa Murkowsky-Lisa M.Lakey and 160 Other Write In Names ..
-GOOD on the voters of Alaska for turning the tables on the elitist Republicans!
Some of the names are very close to her name-Lisa M. Lakey being one--
GO Joe Miller-West Point-a Combat Veteran-a Judge - a Family Man:
Lisa stifles free speech of radio commentator :
Little Lisa-It's NOT YOUR seat!:
Murkowksi still thinks she has a chance thanks to the Republican elites:
They went up to 'help' her
Friday, October 29, 2010
Arrogant Republican Senatorial Committee-Let's Make Calls..
Defection is the only word I can use for the handling of my call--and I was calling as a leader in the RWF!
I am very upset with my Party-and especially upset w/ its betrayal of Joe Miller-
Mr. Miller WON the primary for the Alaska Senate seat--the NRSC -went up and supported Murkowski the LOSER!-
Remember-too- the RNC - NRSC also betrayed O'Donnell when she first WON the primary-
Its time to make calls-
contact-Rob Jesmer -I talked to a Mitch Miller-He was not up to date on the above!!!
RNC-1-202 863-8500 or 5100
Let me know how your call went-I 'felt' the arrogance-and am ready to leave the GOP--tell my why I shouldn't...
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Voice Computers for Our Wounded BEST-Please Give...
You-my dear Patriot friends have been 'enlisted' for ARMY-

Blackfive is Team Army co-leader and I thank The Kid for giving the 'heads up'!
and-OOOO KKKK-----GO ARMY - Beat Navy-there I said it!! :-)
To All of our BEST in all of the service branches...
Boxer 'Enlists' Public School Students...Our TAX Dollars at Work for the Left
I posted the entire link because it contains a site that I will be frequenting.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
15 year old tortured -Britains allowed their Guns to be confiscated-now they are defenseless---
Notice the date-This cover-up is getting "old"!!!!
It's coming here my friends if we do not wake up!!!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
This Man - Rubio- Says It All About the Excellence of the US...
Marco Rubio is on that short list-I post this video for the historical and up-lifting overview of the greatness of America (USA)-
Monday, October 25, 2010
Today is St. Crispin's Day! & Lack of Recognition of our Current BEST
St Crispin:let's remember our BEST--
Germans Honor Our BEST-
German General WW II- honors brothers in arms-
Carol's Home
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Secretariat and Penny - They Never Quit...
a sad memory is that he died on October 4, 1989-my birthday...
You all know how much I Love HORSES- the Biblical reference in the movie describing the bold/bravery of horses brought a personal nod of affirmation...
I have the last horse that I bred in my back yard-guess whom I visited when I returned from the movie!
This is footage of Secretariat's Preakness win...
31 lengths-Belmont win-to quote-"It was like the Lord was holding the reins."
video-history of Secretariat-it mentions 3 white socks-I know of an old saying-- 3 white socks meant the horse is a King's/ Queen's horse:
Pledge of Allegienace Leader-Illinois - at Leauge of Women Voters-
Faith Blog-Crew of B-17 -666-
As this is my Sunday Faith post-I pray that-if called upon - I will be as focused and brave!!
h/t blackfive
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Candidate -Missy Smith-Time to Make Child Killing Illegal -
Remember-God the Creator asked in Is. 59-"What are YOU doing about the shedding of innocent blood ..." (paraphrase from KJV):
Friday, October 22, 2010
The Hollywood Elites Tell Us in the US to do w/ Less - HYPOCRITES
Pastors - CandidatesRemind Me of the Black Regiment of 1776-
GOSH-they are stepping forward!!! I've been waiting for the Church of Christ to stand up!!! WOW-GREAT!!!
*Black Regiment" because Pastors used to wear black vestments....
"We have a constitutional remedy," Broden said then. "And the Framers say if that don't work, revolution."
Of Course- the R Party is not backing him...What is your take?
and this-a Pastor running against Ellison(first Muslim in US Congress) - listen to the ugly phone message from an 'anonymous' ( the Dark Side is ugly and cowardly) Minnesota-'voter'
Babs Boxer-LOL-I Worked So Hard--It's Time to give Her a Rest...
This has nothing to do w/Babs Boxer-I just like horses and have ridden many a test--from this level to Intermediare...
Call Me Madam-
Again-It Takes a Woman-Germany's Chancellor-Angela Merkel
Read the article-it is short and states my case for those of like nature who are here in the US...
Germany’s Multicultural Failure
Read the complete article here..
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Our Servants in Government
Honestly Believe
That They Are NOBLES and
MY Notice to OUR Servants-
Noblesse Oblige
I just checked the Drudge Report and found the two articles linked below that prove my poem is correct...the Dark Side of government 'man-handles' us in the US !!! The servants in government must be called to order:
Pilot refuses body scan/pat down--
My take- the airport 'security' serves no purpose but to interfere w/ LIBERTY-LIFE-PROPERTY!!
and this one-Washington government 'officials' steal (my words) private citizen's cars...
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Separation of CHURCH and STATE is in the Constitution....
the fact that the LAW? students twittered when O'Donnell asked if those words were in our US Constitution really bothers me--it means that our LAW? students are not being taught the CONSTITUTION of the US!!! I am NOT SURPRISED that her opponent didn't know the answer--perhaps he is a liberal you think?
More later- as to the history of the words-Separation of Church and State for us in the US...I have to run-
A Bowing President-RoEs-Getting Our BEST Killed
We are either in this to WIN-or-get them OUT!!!
Situational descriptions from our BEST- Washington Examiner
...If they use rockets to hit the [forward operating base] we can't shoot back because they were within 500 meters of the village. If they shoot at us and drop their weapon in the process we can't shoot back......cover up what's really going on over here. They won't let us do our job. I don't care if they try to kick me out for what I'm saying -- war is war and this is no war. I don't know what this is.Let's no longer BOW to our enemies--BTW-I want us in the US to drill for our OWN OIL!!!

Monday, October 18, 2010
OK-I'll state one of my cases-property owners are the only ones who should be allowed to vote for property taxes--Now- to a ROL-LOL moment: NO BULL:
DEA officer stops at a ranch in Texas, and talks with an old rancher. He tells the rancher, "I need to inspect your ranch for illegally grown drugs." The rancher says, "Okay , but don't go in that field over there," as he points out the location.
The DEA officer verbally explodes saying, " Mister, I have the authority of the Federal Government with me." Reaching into his rear pants pocket, he removes his badge and proudly displays it to the rancher. "See this badge? This badge means I am allowed to go wherever I wish.... On any land. No questions asked or answers given. Have I made myself clear? Do you understand? "
The rancher nods politely, apologizes, and goes about his chores.
A short time later, the old rancher hears loud screams and sees the DEA officer running for his life chased by the rancher's big Santa Gertrudis bull.......
With every step the bull is gaining ground on the officer, and it seems likely that he'll get gored before he reaches safety. The officer is clearly terrified. The rancher throws down his tools, runs to the fence and yells at the top of his lungs.....
Sunday, October 17, 2010
OK! A Band on a Bus -Someday We Won't Even Need Instruments!
I complain that our young do not sculpt - draw-paint with their hands - they use computers -because computers are faster-they say!!
I ask-what is going to happen to the brain and body without kinesthetic feedback?
Some say that only certain individuals need the kinesthetic activity-I say- all need it to some degree..what say you?
Kinesthetic Learner
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Newt and Nancy-Sitting On A Couch...Together!- Is He Really a Conservative?
Newt and Nancy-Sitting on a Couch...
Friday, October 15, 2010
FREEDOM-Christians are Rising Up-the World Over!!
As you all know- I believe that Jesus the Christ was a warrior-and He gave us a command to "OCCUPY til I come" Lk. 19-
He won the "high ground" - we-as 'occupiers' must hold the high ground...We are waking up to that fact!!
h/t-RB-Crusader Rabbit
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Joan Sutherland-One of the Greatest Voice Talents of All Time-RIP
h/t : What's Wrong With the World
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
China Claims Texas Oil and Gas - HUH!!!
OH - wait- I do understand - our "royals " in government- you know them -
are supposed to be serving us in the US-
BUT they have determined that we in the US cannot drill for our OWN OIL and gas--BUT- China - CAN!!
It's time to "CAN" the TRAITORS -Let's VOTE THEM OUT!!
CHINA Claims Texas OIL and GAS
Monday, October 11, 2010
ART-Air Brush-Lutheran School-David Morton-WOW
I'm encouraged!!!
CA Supreme Court -Tuition for Illegals /Oath Keepers Newborn Taken By Government/Students Have Tracking Chips in Their IDs
A member of Oath Keepers 16 hour old baby -taken by government-
Follow the $$$- schools get $$$$ for every student - so- those students that do not show up cost the schools tax $$$$- But- the fact that tracking devises are in their IDs 'creeps' me out...1984 anyone!
The CA State Supreme Court will hear arguments -tuition breaks for ILLEGALS,0,4183778.story
Posting light today...
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Lou Holtz for the Thomas More Law Center--Official Sunday Faith Post-
My Christian friends - this will encourage you to not be afraid of PC anymore....
Lou Holtz has become one of my favorites..enjoy!!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
I Am An American (Engishman)-We Were Never Asked-They Just Took -
We also knew that the US was headed in the same direction-but- at a slower pace--now we are nearly destroyed and we had better wake up ---
We are also NOT having children because the woman's movement- and the environmental movement AND the ABORTION movement have cut the number of children and - particularly - of white children- born-Am I a racist-NO-I am - though - a truth teller...
This is an awesome take-WARNING- and ACTION---
h/t Crusader Rabbit
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Remember-Never Forget-Our 9-11 Rescue Dogs
He reminded me so much of our Golden Lab- General Schwarzkopf-General was born shortly after Desert Storm - thus- he was named for the great commanding General of that conflict...
General Schwarkopf wanted to -FINISH the JOB- but- the powers that be- including the first Pres Bush - PCd out--in other words- chickened out!!!
Have a tissue ready!
h/t: Angel-WHT
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
MEDAL of HONOR -Staff Sgt. Robert J. Miller
Today 6 OCT 2010, the family of US Army Staff Sergeant Robert J Miller will receive the Medal of Honor
h/t threedonia.
link to the video of the ceremony - the prayer at the beginning and the prayer at the end- by General Carver- are well worth the time to watch --
h/t commoncents
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Marx to Us in the US-Lesson for the Present from the Not Too Distant Past--
the lecture is well worth the 30 minutes-even if you view it in two parts!!
h/t:Transylvania Phoenix
My birthday is tomorrow-Oct. 4- and my off-spring's is Oct 6..
I've decided to take a few days off from posting-- the sites on my side bar are very good-I give special notice to -
Common Cents
Crusader Rabbit
Carol's Art Site
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Dualling Lawyers II-Greta vs.Gloria Allred
Greta was even better-and that is saying something-Dualling Lawyers II--
BTW-I posted that our side needs more truth telling lawyer types..Jesus Was a Lawyer
Friday, October 1, 2010
Dualling Lawyers-Mark Levin and Gloria Allred
The Great One- Mark Levin!