Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Have a Wonderful New Year's Eve ..Hockey Game New Year's Day!!
Stay safe ---
Carol -CS
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Freedom Lost...
So-you all will be 'blessed' with a poem:
Freedom Lost
In order to regain
A battle must be fought.
I pray that
The battle fought
Will be
Political and
Not Physical......
Monday, December 29, 2008
Big Brother Will Be Watching You-Oregon Proposes Auto Tracking via Satellite..
Oregon to up- end the Fourth Amendment in order to add $$ to the tax coffers...
I never liked the thought of putting a device into my vehicle - private company (ad: what if your vehicle is stolen?) or otherwise....
How many citizens of Oregon are going to allow this?
Excellent post:
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Now-Where's NOW! Laura Bush-I'm Going To Miss You...
She also noted that a shoe thrower -under S. Hussein...would have been executed....
Laura Bush- I'm going to miss you...
Saturday, December 27, 2008
My Answer to the Hight and Mighty in the EU
NOT lynching anyone!
The Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute put out a 2009 calendar titled _Pretty in MINK_..I obtained several for my board -LALFL- and for my other conservative friends....
I noticed that I was blessed to attend 'first' speeches from some of the conservative women 'starring' in the calendar---
I've been in this a LOOOONG time
One of my fiends suggested -today that I take a 'rest'...
My answer was ..NO..
I must stay in the fray
Til the day
that the Lord
takes me
God Bless the USA--We're NOT going away!
I'm getting REALLY tired of the 'high and mighty' in europe (lcop) thumbing their noses at we-the citizens of the USA!
CLEAN up your own- VERY dirty -house before you diss the USA!
Friday, December 26, 2008
Thought Control Demigods on Campuses Nation-wide..
This is a First Amendment issue–
These policies have been instituted on all campuses…
A class action case is necessary - seek those students who have been assaulted by these PC speech policies-and bring it to the Federal level…Defend Amendment I…
BTW--add FIRE to my list...
FIRE Foundation for Individual Rights in Education
Thomas More Law
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Shopping for food goods- so my off-spring can do the cooking--It 'paid' to put that step stool next to the kitchen counter when he was 3-ish and wanted to know what I was doing--He likes to cook!
Getting my Christmas music out-and sitting down at the piano - haven't done that in a year or so :-)
Attending Christmas Eve. Service....
I'll pick up where I left off - writing that is-on Friday...
Have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone...
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
FBI-Agent Tells True Story of Ayers and the Weather Underground
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Russians Don't Want Domestically Made Autos-Riots Ensue.....
Russians want foreign-made autos-the Kremlin wants them to buy domestically made cars.. Tariff added to foreign made autos-people are rioting... My take: I could criticize the Russians by stating -"It sure has taken them a LONG time to realize that socialism doesn't work." |
Finals Are Over!
To be honest-I can't wait til Spring semester...
My creative mind
Works better
With a Dead-Line!
You'll be getting more poetry and a few political cartoons....January is a long month!
MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone....
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Soldiers Continually 'Hamstrung' With REMF Adapted Rules of Engagement...
Marcus Luttrell _LONE SURVIVOR_
Our Haditha Marines-one still fighting the PC crowd with the help of Thomas More Law..
Our Best of the Best are being shot at brutalized and killed by the enemy while our 'arm-chair' government officials are trying to make 'nice' with the enemy.....
I could go on but I'll let you read about one more incident ...if it doesn't make you as angry as it makes me-you have a cooler head than I do...
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Bush the Bail out BOY...-"...obligation to my successor..." Sacrifices Free Market Principals...Reminds Me of the "No New Taxes" of Bush Sr.
G . Bush = the same as Papa!
REEEEEECH across the aisle--like the L_O_T_E McCain..
The Republicans continually disappoint me ---do they all end up the same?
G Bush another bailout Boy---those of us in the US who are careful----only spend what we can afford-----pay our bills on time---THEY-the DARK SIDE-- and that includes the likes of Bush and McCain---do think WE are THEIR servants...
I just got back from class - a final - and read about Bush and got really 'steamed'...
Hope I calm down soon----
Bush quotes:
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Newdow vs a Christian-Thomas More Law-Wins Case for Christian..
Thank you-again-Thomas More and your excellent defenders of freedom---
McCain the Same As B.Hussein
As the B Hussein
Only-he resides
In the clothes
of Sheep..
mc cain rips Republicans again:
Saturday, December 13, 2008
UAW 'Agreement' weighs 22lbs.
If a UAW contract is over 2,000 pages long...and WEIGHS 22 POUNDS!!,,,,,,
Can you imagine what 'agreements' with the Federal Governing body must WEIGH!
Speaking of Weight:
The government elite
Write as many words
as they speak..
The weight will be lifted
from our POCKET BOOKS!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Two Kinds of Military Leader/Lead From The Front OR REMF-Which is Powell
But-I'll let you make up your mind into which category he should be placed---
LFTF or REMF-you choose...
And for those leaders-statesmen and military -who led from the front!:
Boeing's Fuel Effeicient Plane delayed by UNION ...
US industry creates a fuel efficient plane- with orders already in ....Union members strike ...delaying production and thus-delivery of orders already in....
Socialism this time in the form of UNION-NEVER NEVER works!!!!!
Socialism-GO AWAY!
the old aristocracy
different 'royal ' henchmen...
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Ode to the Second Amendment....
I am moved
To remind...THAT
Every tyrant from
The beginning of time
Has ITS eye on
What's yours and mine.
All tyrants come from
The league of men.
For control of others
The laws they bend.
The only way we can survive
Is to exercise
Our covenant
With any government...
Amendment II
The Right of Arms to Bear.
Until He comes AGAIN
Making All Hearts Pure...
If it is Peace
You seek...
You must PREPARE for WAR!!!
Carol /CS
As an ode-I look to my friendly composers....this will be sung by me- someday :-)
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
B. Hussein O.-now it's OK....A Poem A Day!!!
First he said no...
Now - he says yes....
What other 'changes' he makes...
With the free speech stakes...
Is anyone's guess...
Carol- CS
PS-I got caught up in my country's slide to socialism and neglected my poetry writing-so - it's a poem a day in my journal-some I'll share with you all....
I probably should get my book edited and published too! HUH!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
A Constitutional REPUBLIC is what we have in the US--not a democracy (thank God!)...I don't care how many people voted for BHO-I don't care how many states had a majority for BHO-
The Constitution was written by the Founders for a reason-we brook the reason-and we will reap the little 'tweak' here and a little lapse there and we have NO CONSTITUTION...
Our TROOPS are 'over there' now having vowed to "Protect and Defend the Constitution" and we are here making excuses for BHO and his 'no true documentation'..!???
I demand that the elitists that we elected (hired) demand to see REAL PROOF that BHO is who he says he is.....
My THANK A VET Day...Remember Pearl Harbor....
Friends who are "over there" now.....
Carol - CS
Saturday, December 6, 2008
War With Words and the Dark Side:
There is an historic figure who was good w/ words and oratory---let's copy him---:
Patrick Henry...:
Until we do - the DARK SIDE will win the war w/ words every time!
Just read the Ayers' take for the NYT--Read it and weep that we've come so far from discernment...:
Friday, December 5, 2008
ARMY/Navy Game-Dec.6, 2008
Philadelphia time:
9:15 AM Navy march on....
9: 45 AM ARMY march on.....
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Danes Blow Pirate Vessel Out of the Water!
Jefferson and Madison would be proud (see my posts- - August 18 2008):
No payment of "Dane-geld" here!!!
I am proud that the blood of the Danes
Runs in my Veins!
Carol - CS
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
If You Are Pro-Death-Don't read this Message.....
Sanger's Planned Parenthood-supported by your tax dollars and mine... ignores statutory rape and the laws of the individual states.....
My admiration for these young people knows no bounds.....They don't just talk -talk= talk - they ACT.....
ACTIONS- using the creative gifts that God has given (art-photography-music-acting-writing-computer technology etc. ) has been my prayer for about 15 years...
It warms my heart to see that my prayers have been answered via these young people!!!!!
Troop Response to Cards-Letters and Packages/Have Kleenx Ready...
There are two great organizations that I support;
Operation Gratitude and Operation Support Our Troops.(OSOT)..
I also have a couple of Best of the Best friends that I send greetings to.
My prayers and thanks to our BEST OF THE BEST!!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Heads Up! / National Service /the" Good Sheet"-Is Now Available!
Anyone remember B.Hussein O. and his wife mentioning the 'new plan' for 'voluntary' national service?
IT's HERE>>>>>
Just picked up a little paper called the _ GOOD_ with such wording as ..."this is the GOOD SHEET . It's a weekly series breaking down an important issue to help make sense of the world around us." ....
The one I picked up is titled "NATIONAL SERVICE"...
John F Kennedy and his "Ask not..." speech...(good use of JFK by the socialists)...
And a grid outline of various avenues for community service - with age -physical requirements -hours for 'service'..
For the lib 55 + crowd-you are not exempt!
1984 - anyone!!!
Alinsky-Ayers- and would be proud!
Guess where I found it>>>>at my local Starbucks!
Now-please - before you boycott- give me time to sell my shares in the company! )-:
Friday, November 28, 2008
A Prayer from a President of Great Character...
I am reminded of a prayer journal written by George Washington when he was around 20 years old-he had an entry for morning and evening:I’ll share part of my favorite:
"O most glorious God…I acknowledge and confess my faults; in the weak and imperfect performance of the duties of this day. I have called on Thee for pardon and forgiveness of sins,but so coldly and carelessly that my prayers are become my sin and stand in need of pardon….".
George Washington…
After the Nov. election-I'm hearing Republican's words...they seem to be getting the message-I'll wait and see .....and
I'll P_R_A_Y!!!!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving -Founders-Thank You!!!..Troops - Thank You ...
Thank you ALL for standing strong...
This came to me as I was writing the above:
The Founders had a vision
That we must maintain..
For our Children and Children's Children..
To experience the SAME...
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Dunwoody/First Female 4 Star/Women Fighting in the Military ....
A male WP cadet informed me -in no uncertain terms - that the female cadets were every bit as tough as the male...
The Crown Princess of Denmark trains w/ the Danish military..
Israel trains females for military duty...
When females get their backs up and are trained to fight for what they believe...or for their families-watch out---
I - for one - was not sure of women fighting in the military ...I've changed my mind..
My guess- the females in the Islamic forces are going to be we had better be watchful...
Sunday, November 23, 2008
GOP-Enlist Mothers of Our Best of the Best to Run for Office....
Below is vid of Mothers of our Best of the Best and the Best of the Best talking to and about the skewed media coverage....
Some great cartoons too!....
Your've got to love them!:
Traitors -Code Pink W/ Banner to Murder Our Troops...
code pink banner reads:
We Support the Murder of American Troops...
Saturday, November 22, 2008
WE are the US Government....Bailout by US Government...
My fellow US citizens-WE ARE the US GOVERNMENT!!!
I think we have been made to forget that little tid- bit of information...
It's time to tell our elected SERVANTS that the money is OURS and so is the government!
Our Soldiers As Viewed By French Soldiers -Awesome...
A French Soldier's view of our BEST OF THE BEST!!!
and another to Warm Your Heart:
and Another!--An Iraqi woman wanted to touch the Face of Grace-one of our own ...
Eject -
Eject Eject-Eject---
Those are military pilots' words-so it grabbed me:
I never made it past ground pilot's school-the costs were too prohibitive at the time and I would have had to sell a horse---meaning - a friend--couldn't do that-
So- I fly with my friends as I once did with my uncle (who flew P-38 s with the military ) in one of his Cessna aircraft....enjoy:
Friday, November 21, 2008
CHRISTmas Friendly Shopping....
Lands End has a great deal on pima cotton towel sets with FREE monograms! And to think I was double thinking as to whether my family and friends REALLY need them! (I'm getting a set for my CHRISTmas present too!)
Thank you pcc for the heads up!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Defending the 2nd Amendment....
Remember-our grandparents and parents freely relinquished gold to be given paper!
Are we going to do the same as the Brits and allow criminals to terrorize the US?
In some states - it has already happened!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Taxpayer-Your Money Is Not Your Money...
RE: the BAILOUT>>>>>
"It's not your money"
Listen to the interview and understand how BOTH parties view the American taxpayer---
There are two parties...the EVIL Party and the STUPID Party and they get together and make EVIL-STUPID laws....
It's time to clean up the Republican Party.../
BTW--Knollenberg lost his re-election bid--GOOD Bye RINO......
Republican Says Taxpayer Money Doesn't Belong To the Taxpayer...
Monday, November 17, 2008
Mr Kemper/community bank -to Paulson/
A list of the UMB -type banks and credit unions through out the states- would be helpful…
Then we can support them w/our $$$ savings and loans…while they look out for our investments…
Thank you-Mariner Kemper…for standing strong and stating your stand through the written word….
Letter from Mr. Kemper:
Sunday, November 16, 2008
..Obama RULE ....
"It's important that Pres. elect Obama is prepared to really take POWER and begin to R_U_L_E -day one."
Some time -looong ago - in a new land..a small group of freedom lovers got together to REMOVE the ARISTOCRACY....1_7_7_6 ...
We do not want kings-queens or camelot!!!
Their words to King George- we will have NO KING but KING JESUS
and those words were the motto of the Revolution!
Interview vid:
Saturday, November 15, 2008
you can buy a house in Detroit City for a dollar!...
the Mayor-is a convicted criminal...
and the state is in a near depression...
SOCIALISM doesn't work ....
And to think my grandparents were proud to be in Detroit-it used to be called the Parlor City...
Great Bar Chart from Gateway:
Friday, November 14, 2008
Washington's Warning.../Bailout
We've been BAILING - out the petty aristocracy of EU and even paid our $$$$$ (so they could become totally socialistic) to keep the 7th Army there to 'defend' them!
We all know that bush and mccain are 'in bed with' the likes of the rothchild family...and the saudi 'royals'....
The Founders added this message to a certain document sent to king george....We will have....
No King But KING JESUS......
Thursday, November 13, 2008
On November 13th, 2008 at 3:59 pm, Christian Soldier said:
My Republican “friends”…
PLEEEEEASE don’t PLEAD ignorance or “deep concern” NOW…
The time to have taken a STAND with A SPINE!!!....
WAS when the $700,000,000.000.0000,0000000000000000+++
was put before you for THE VOTE!!!!
That would be my $$$$$$$$ and the $$$$$$$ of my fellow -HONEST citizens!!!!!!!
I hope my anger is not showing TOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
MARINES-Happy Birthday and THANK YOU!!!
Thomas Jefferson sent the new US navy and Marines to the Barbary Coast to stop piracy against our citizens ...and merchant ships...
Lord Nelson noticed a new power had arrived in Mediterranean waters...
The Barbary (Islamic) regimes continued to underestimate their new enemy---the newly formed U.S.A....
The pirates (Islam) probably thought that - since we were fighting the Brits in 1812-that they could capture and hold for ransom U.S. citizens again ...
President Madison-in 1815 sent the fleet to finish the job...
Algiers (Islam) had to pay compensation and release our citizens and promise not to offend again...
"It is a settled policy of America, that as peace is better than war, WAR is better than tribute.
The United States, while they wish for war with no nation, will buy peace with non."
* Jefferson vs. the Muslim Pirates>Christopher Hitchens
Our Marines are still on the front lines with an old enemy - Islamic pirates /radical Islam....
Further history as we pay honor to our Marines:
This is a great vid:
Happy Birthday Marines
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Sarah PALIN Has Granted An Exclucive w/Greta..Mon. 7:PM PST:
Monday November 10,2008 --7:00 PM PST...
Full Hour!!!
I can't wait!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Michael Ramirez /Two That Say It All /Palin Smears and ...
Dems Goin After 401 Ks..Sen.McCain...Start Acting Like a Conservative Republican ....
comment from a commentor:
Isn't it fun!
I take that back-IT HAS WORKED for the controlling ELITE...
Republicans in office-the few that are still there-you can stop this if you have a spine....
Johnny Mc lost the election but you are still a Senator...Act like a Republican for a change.....
9:18 AM
Friday, November 7, 2008
SR-71 -the Blackbird and Dressage Horse...
I share two vids / each one makes my heart smile...
an aside--my two favorite planes -the SR-71 and the P-38 were the work and vision of one man-Kelly Johnson...
The SR-71-Blackbird:
The most artistic Grand Prix Dressage ride I have ever seen-it always makes my heart smile when I view it: Dressage-training horses to execute their natural moves and utilizing them for war :
Arizona SC Justice McGregor Bans the Words Illegal/Alien...
I DID!!!!
You are going to love this if you believe in 'judicial legislation' and usurpation of the 1st Amendment by the bench sitters called judges........
the Dark Side juxtaposed to Our Side....
until Our Side gives up or Forgets…
then -instructors like harris - -ayers -- elites like --m.obama-- ophra (sp) -- powell--noonan --rice---and will continue their propaganda routine….
the Dark Side actually WRITES its plans for wresting freedom and money from others...and keeps at the "plan" until fruition...the Dark Side never gives up or forgets...
Our Side always gives up…or forgets....
or goes to the next issue W/o clearing the previous one…
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Palin Smearers-Where's the GOP LOTE mccain... R's ...
Blue-blood Rs ....and the list of betrayers that I composed on this site on Tues.
You all will destroy this great country...
I recommend calls to the RNC and the state and local R offices!!!
RNC: 202-863-8500
NRSC: 202-675-6000
CRP: 818-841-5210
More soon!
LOL Leave It To the Danes...A Picture ..
And to stand strong here--Danes Threaten to boycott Durban II
Hold and Die....A Hero...
Retired Marine Col. John Ripley is no longer with us here on earth...,2933,446140,00.html
Oh-that we will have the same courage to fight for the vision that the Founders had..and protect and defend ....
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Betrayers Remembered and Need Not Show Their Faces
Powell, Colin former Sec. of State
Noonan,Peggy former Reagan speech writer
McClellan,Scott former spokesperson for GWBush
Weld,William former R governor -Mass
Adelman,Ken former Pentagon official
Noonan-I saw through you during Reagan's administration--How DARE you degrade Sarah Palin-a woman of honor -which YOU are NOT!!!
To those listed above--Don't Come Back--You will NOT be welcome!!!
The list goes on and I will add as I think of them ....
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
CA Voters--Did You Notice Anything Different?....
There were no ballot jackets!
When I handed my ballot to the attendant-he took off the top stub and then place the ballot into the box -but- below table level... I have always slipped my ballot into a slot on the top of the ballot box myself.....
Anyone else have this happen?
I know my voter attendants so - I didn't question - at the my off-spring was hurrying me !...."Don't worry about it -Mom."
This election- I'm suspicious of everything that is out of 'normal'.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Prayer of George Washington and Our Need of Same...
O most glorious God…I acknowledge and confess my faults; in the weak and imperfect performance of the duties of this day. I have called on Thee for pardon and forgiveness of sins,but so coldly and carelessly that my prayers are become my sin and stand in need of pardon…..
George Washington…
I see little such humility on the part on the part of our ‘elite officials’ –However:
My guess is that Gov. Palin would say such a prayer as this and the thought of it gives me heart for the future….We will seek more of the ilk of Palin and Washington…
For those of us who believe--it is time to pray....
Sunday, November 2, 2008
REPUBLIC >>NOT a Democracy...
As soon as this great country becomes a complete socialist democracy-we will have lost the REPUBLIC and thus--FREEDOM..
Wow - a Full Review of Barry O.or B.Hussein Obama and ....
This election is not just about the economy --it's about FREEDOM!!!!
Odinga -Barry's relative whom he supported by taking a trip to Kenya w/my tax $$$$-turned a blind eye while my Christian sisters were being burned alive!....Barry-what say YOU?!
Excellent Historical Review of Berlin Airlift...
Also-a job un finished - especially in war- will come back to haunt us...
Patton is a good example of a great leader who wanted to 'finish the job' and was not allowed to do it! We are still dealing with the Communists in Russia!!!
We are still dealing with the socialist -communists today! Here- in the USA!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Van for Wounded Warrior...
This great operation runs - totally- on volunteer giving-both dollar wise and hands on...
Mary Kay Salomone is one of the most honorable people out there.....
Principal and Teacher Sent Boy Costumed As Jesus-Home ...
A call to the ACLJ -- American Center for Law and Justice--would be in order!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Davey Crockett's -Not Yours to Give and the Latin of- If You Want Peace Prepare for War..
Needless to say-I'm adding it to my list of favorites!
I wrote an Easter poem with the words of knowledge -If you want peace ...prepare for War...
Democrats Continue to Promoted Slavery/Even As They Did During the Civil War...
Below is an excellent review with illustrations by Nast.
Amazingly-Democrat talk has not changed.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Singh for Congress (27th Dist. CA)....
Aerosmith Has Come Out of the Closet...
I love it when talented artists -whether in music-sculpture-flat art (paintings etc) -or graphic-put their 'toe to the line' and come to the defense of this -the:
Naomi Judd has come out of retirement to stump for Sarah Palin.
I would love to get the song she sings at the Palin rallies...I'd love to sing it myself!
Exciting times :-)
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Russell Is Really Closing the Gap On Murtha! YE HA!!!
William "Bill" Russell is neck and neck with Murtha (Murtha the troop 'disser')!
I gave to Russell's campaign last fall-I give to worthy Patriots - nation-wide-because -when they make laws-we are all affected!
The others this Californian supports are:
Are the Sarah Hanging Hollywood Artists (?) Racists....
It is not art.
As a woman- I feel that the Hollywood haters of women should be charged with hate crimes.
If Sarah Palin were black--the MSM, HW City Council, and the Fed. would be all over this...
Wait a minute...B. Hussein Obama is half white....
HMMMMM.....Hollywood artists w/the hanging Sarah Palin-You are racist!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Art and Hidden Messages..
The technique can be used for good - or...
it can be used by the 'Dark Side' in the case of the altered US Seal:
Monday, October 27, 2008
Facts About the Dark Side>>>
Mandel Scewered By the 'Dark Side' For Serving His Country...
The leftists honestly believe that the citizens of the US ---serve them!
Josh Mandel got more accomplished - legislatively - even while in Iraq- than BHO did while here!
Let's start with the GOP-and its continued slippery - slide to the LEFT!!!!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
PC Speech Takes Common Words and Turns Them Into 'Racist' Words...
Below is a very good explanation as to what is going on with free speech:
Good thing we have the 2nd Amendment to protect the 1st Amendment...
The 'DARK SIDE' is trying to take away the 2nd to render the lst inoperable.....
Women Hit the 'DARK SIDE' >>>
You "GO GIRLS"! ---I can say that w/o being called sexist because I am one :-)!!!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Obama-No Merci Beaucoup-Nada Para Ustedes..
Didn't B.HusseinO. say that we 'un-educated Americans' should be speaking 'European"?
No-absolutemente NO!!!
BTW-BHO and friends --go to the socialistic EU-but-remember- the 7th Army is no longer going to be there for you-so you are going to have to change your socialistic ways and pay $$$$$ for YOUR OWN DEFENCE!!!!!!!!!!
This is great music!:
According to BHO- this is from one un-educated-red neck! speaking>>>>>
Republican Women Hit Harder at the 'Dark Side"..
Jeri Thompson nicely puts AC in his place:
Keep going Women Warriors!!!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Anniverary of Beirut Marine Barracks Bombing-A Continuation of an Old War...
Pres Madison sent them again with the quote ---(Check my August 18, 2008 postings..)..
Hostages in late 70s-
Marine barracks - 1983 :no reprisals
the first WTC bombings-no reprisals
the Cole-no reprisals
troops dragged through the streets of Somalia-no reprisals
9/11-reprisal after a looooong time...
If you read the quotes of Madison and Kipling mentioned above-you will be concerned that GoV has reported that the US paid tribute (ransom) to pirates this year...
If so--'the nation that pays them is lost...' Kipling....
We're lost....
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Detroit-Warren..Michigan -MSM- Report on Theft of McCain Signs for Free Pizza...
If I didn't know Detroit and Michigan as well I do -I would have thought the reporters were part of the spoofs provided by Onions Media:
Here's the actual vid on the coverage:
Vandalism and Theft-aren't both offenses against the law?!!!!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Honorable Candidates-Nationwide-
gatewaypundit has update on murtha and RUSSELL:
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Black Conservatives Endorsing Palin/McCain --Where are They...
Allan Keyes Where are you!!!!!
Silence!!!!! Waiting 3-2-1- 0000000000000000
Powell endorses the 1/2 black B.H.O...
Gateway has an good post:
Luke 19:13-- -OCCUPY TIL I COME ..
Have We Christians been acting on the command - I say NO...
Christ won the 'high ground' we have let it fall into enemy hands...
Our Schools
Our Christian Universities like Harvard
Our USA which was founded on Christian principals and which had the battle motto>>>NO KING BUT KING JESUS...
Our Republic which we have allowed to slide into socialism ...
Luke 19:13 KJV
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Pro-Choicers.IF YOUR Mother Made Another CHOICE....Where Would YOU Be...
Hollywood and Unborn Babies...
My prayers have been answered---Hollywood is starting to see the LIGHT!
Check my post for Friday October 17-for the juxtaposition of Sarah Palin and vid of the unborn LIVING child in the womb.
As to the cross vandals as described by Gatewaypundit-they are the reason we must take our universities back!! Those young people are valuable too:
PS: question for those who stump for the pro-death side>>>Where would YOU be if YOUR mother made the CHOICE of death for YOU before YOU were BORN?!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Our Troops Tried Under Iraqi Law>>>
If our officials are going to subscribe to this travesty>>> I want is some Iraqi OIL as payment for our sacrifice....our Best of the Best!!!! That move will squelch this nonsense!
Average American Joe Defense Fund
He's so right! The Federal Government's ONLY business is funding the:
Securing the Borders
Securing the Ports (borders too)
Upkeep on the major Infra -Structure
Joe's right-Alan Keyes is great - I remember when he started his political outreach.
The GOP acted then as it is acting now - "Stay away from a true Constitutionalist-they're dangerous -the 'moderates' will never go for him...etc.etc.etc." ...The GOP kept giving us the L_O_T_E s --and we are where we are now!!!
Lesser of Two Evils =LOTE...
Let's take the $$$ out of the hands of the socialist elite (our 'elected' officials) and put it into private charities and funds...Where it belongs!!!
Let's start with an Average American Joe Defense Fund...
My poetic thought from March 2008:
Lukewarm Republicans Say:
It's alright - Froggy - Pay attention to me.
That REALLY isn't heat You're feeling
You know - In that water
That you're in.
Just wait awhile--- Suck it up.
Don't forget to hold your nose.
Remember: It's the LESSER OF TWO EVILS!
As we've told you-times before....A DEMOCRAT could get in!
"The water's really getting hot!" Froggy say.
"Of that no interest You should pay." The experts say.
"But," Froggy says "I do pay more taxes
Than I did before. And the PORK
Keeps getting Larger than before."
Is what we offer you. Hold your nose
Just don't choke. This is no joke.
Take it or leave it!" The experts say.
Froggy say......................."I'll LEAVE IT!
Thanks anyway!"
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Sarah -Sarah-PALIN-PALIN
Lib college students 'backed-off' by truthful sign.... :-)
PALIN/McCain (switched on purpose!)
Average Joe-
Truth-Justice-and the American Way...
It takes me longer than Micheal Ramirez to focus-so-I'll let you all know when it is on this board...
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Democrat Volunteers Where 'Taken To The Cleaners' by Obama -ites...
Gosh-this is getting more and more scary-
The 1st Amendment -Free speech- threatened..
The 2nd Amendment- 'under the gun'...
Voter fraud ...even on the Democrat side of the aisle!...
Gloves Off-Care Of Micheal Ramirez.....
Mc-you are not going to get the 'moderate' or 'undecided' Democrat vote so..take the gloves off !!!
And please remove Gov. Palin's- Bush handlers....she will help win this race as she is - THEY do not help!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Excellent Summary of Reasons for the Decline of This Great Nation...
A Must View and Read....
Thank you-shoprat-for the heads up!
Travolta and Others Of The Hollywood 'Elite' Try to Make A Film In Paris/Get Burned Out -Literally!
:-) The chickens have come home to roost on Hollywood types.....
Stern Reveals Obama Voters' 'Civic Knowledge'...
PS: I did mean PALIN/McCain-it is not a typo for me!.....
I believe that Mc the L_O_T_E_ wants to lose this election!...
Monday, October 13, 2008
Wisconsin Schools 'Preach' B.Hussein O.--
Home educators-keep standing strong!!
Now we need to start our own universites so our off-spring do not have to 'suffer' an Ayers type!
Ministers - the Black Regiment- Founders-Where are the Leaders for the Here and Now...
The Muhlenbergs:
Frederick Augustus Conrad Muhlenberg:
Peter Muhlenberg:
Christian leaders--Stop worrying about the 501c3 and get at it---!!!!!
Gert Wilders-A Brave Man..
A hero who simply wants the world to know the truth about Islam...
Lt.Col Allen West's take on the Security Check and BHO's In Hand Copy of Anti-American Book...
Please consider supporting West-even if he is not in your state-He will still represent all Patriots when in office:
Go Allen!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Statements from a DEMOCRAT attorney-demanding a 'look see' at Obama's birth certificate!!!
A great vid ----enjoy----
Friday, October 10, 2008
Foreign Election Monitors Invited by U.S. State Department!
Julie Finley, U.S. ambassador to the OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe)
invited that organization to monitor our elections to " demonstrate...the United States' dedication to fulfilling its OSCE commitments."
Human Events /T.P Kilgannon/Sept. 1, 2008
When are we going to wake up?
George Washington had something to say about foreign entanglements....and I'm not talking about our war on terror.....
Babies vs B.HusseinO....
This is a must view for those in the pro-life movement:
AGAIN-Barbary Pirates and Jefferson and Madison...On Paying Tribute...
"It is a settled policy of America,that as peace is better than war,war is better than tribute. The United States, while they wish for war with no nation,will buy peace with none."
"We never pay any on Dane-geld,
No matter how trifling the cost.
For the end of the game is
oppression and shame,
And the nation that pays it
is lost."
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Voter- to Mc-SOCIALISTS IN WASHINGTON D.C --Mc- Responce--Wait-Oh NO......
Mc-and the GOP-this is NO TIME TO BE N_I_C_E_!!!!!!!
FINALLY- McCain Nails the Ayers' Affair---
AYERS 'AFFAIR-I like that-good ME :-)
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Iraqis are GRATEFUL ...
This from a French producer:
The French are rising in my estimation!:
Read the 'relative' connections...
I'm talking actual relatives....of BHO...
Christians-time to put on the Full Armor of God Is: 59 and Ephesians 6..
Thank GOD for Sarah PALIN...She's making J. McCain 'step up to the plate' ....
This is NO TIME TO BE NICE- John.....
Monday, October 6, 2008
Troops Vote
Remember - a certain state (Florida) refused to count the votes of our troops in another close election!
Which state will disenfranchise our troops this time?!
Let's be watchful!
Power Over Others-Betrayal of Americans
When the common (our congressmen and senators) human has plenty of money-he/she seeks POWER over others....
That is what happened Friday October 3, 2008.....Our elected officials grabbed us by the neck and will choke us until we are totally submissive...
I now link a telling commentary:
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Saudis Finance Terror With Our $$$$
and Support B.Hussein O. with our OIL $$$$$$$!!!!!>>>>>>>>>>>
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Bailout roll..that tells it like it is...
The cartoon to the right is mine-concept 'borrowed' from Goya...
It was a quick sketch done in early 2008 - before the major bailout was in the picture.
Music and Art for Children-Revisited..
check out my post-Art and Music...
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Candidates WORTHY of Our Vote:
Tom McClintock (CA)
William Russell
are on my origional list
Allen West (FL) is on mine but not on the one via Gateway...
We can support them all with our $$$$
Creativity VIA the Computer Age...
The God given creative mind works quickly and expands to new invention...if given the freedom to do so..
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Republicans Who BAILED on the Bailout...
I've had enough of LOTE (lesser of two evils-see 'Lukewarm--Froggy' March 8, 2008 poem- my creation)-and REEEaching across the aisle!!!
There are sure a lot of CA Rs who folded---'Buck' McKeon being the most disappointing....
Art and Music -Early Childhood Education...
Because of the absence of the arts - taught WELL...children have no outlet and thus are labeled hyperactive, ADD, ADHD, etc.etc.etc....
Well-Hollywood is doing something about it-Zucker and,
Unfortunately-they represent the wrong side!
It's time we offer excellence in art and music training in the Christian realm.
It's time to stop talk-talk-talking and ACT!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Christian Leaders Finally Standing Up....501c3 Eat Your Heart Out!
The Founders never intended the Church to be taxed.
Chruch leaders in the ' 50s did not know their American history much less their OT Biblical history..the Church was never to be taxed!!!.
Thus - they did not fight LBJ's silencing method and further-by allowing the state to dictate speech via the code-the 501c3 -the Church -by allowing the state to NOT tax -allowed the state to TAX!!!!
It's getting late -more later..
It is encouraging that some Church learders are showing some spine:
Islamic Pirates Demand $20 Million ...
"We never pay any on Dane-geld,
No matter how trifling the cost.
For the end of the game is
oppression and shame.
And the nation that pays it is lost!"
Mark Styne Adds His Take To the BHO Tactics Against Free Speech...Addition To My Post Sept 27....
Thank you - Mark- for standing strong and for your book _ AMERICA ALONE_
REPUBLICANS Have Developed A Spine..RE: Bailout!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
St.. Louis Officials and BHO.. Use Facist Tactics to Stifle Speech.....Lutheran Church MS -Step Forward -This Is Happening in Your Town!!!!
Where are our Christian leaders>>>>St. Louis is the home of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod...
Some of the FOUNDERS of this Republic were ministers who called themselves the BLACK REGIMENT! Are there non now? I keep hearing the insipid line of :
"There will always be a we don't have to concern ourselves with the United States..."
Friday, September 26, 2008
Trained For War...
I never tire of watching or sharing this example...
Micheal Ramirez-Recent Favorites...
Bail Out Financial and Business Overview...Excellent...
and Michele Malkin has a delightful and insightful analogy of the tale of the Ant and the Grasshopper:
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Let's BUY Detroit!!!
Since houses are going for a $1 in Detroit-How about if we all get together-buy the place-ask for some bail-out $$$ (for the good of the people) and turn it into a resort by the river!
The above idea came to me a few weeks ago-in fun-but- the more I think of it -and with ready taxpayer $$$ available due to today's bail out-the idea has now gotten into the "I'M SERIOUS!" catagory.
We could clean up a once great city (it used to be known as the Parlor City) by owning it and firing the corrupt officials.
Shoprat has some informative posts on his blog---here is one of them:
Supporting Those Who Support Our Military ..Marine Sues Murtha...
The site of the advocacy law group that is still defending one of the Haditha Marines:
Our $$$$ help !!!!
Short List of Honorable Citizens Willing to Run for Office>>>
A short list:
Russell (PA)
Col . West (FL)
McClintock (CA)
and more:
I will add to the list as I research others---NATIONWIDE!
LA Marathon -Marine Marathon...
It is a great undertaking...
My Marines also run a marathon in Washington D.C. >>>>AAAAnd Iraq...
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
I'M BACK.......
Another Stanley Cup- anyone!?
OK-Now to SERIOUS 'stuff'....THE BAIL OUT!!!!!!!
It's time for us to call the RNC-our senators and representatives and express our "out-rage"* that OUR MONEY ($$$$$$$) is being used -AGAIN- to bail out corrupt gvt and business interests.....
Michele Malkin has phone numbers and contacts on her site today...
*"out-rage" ---the accepted wordage used by the followers of ISLAM to initiate law suits via organizations like CAIR.....
Monday, September 15, 2008
It's Tough Being a Patriot in CA..
The 'fellow' POW ad on McCain was produced in Culver City,CA ..
Those who know me know that I am NOT a McCain fan-but- don't diss ANYONE in the military who volunteers to protect this Republic-- If you do--you have me as an enemy!!!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Islamic Cleric Says that 9 year olds Give Adult Males Better Benefits....
How to
Highlight, copy and paste the comment you wish to respond to in the comment box. Use the “quote” function to encapsulate the comment you are responding to; once at the beginning of the comment and at the end of it. Then go about typing your reply.
I learn something new every day! :-)
Last L_ O_T_E_ for me was Arnold..
n September 14th, 2008 at 5:11 pm, Christian Soldier said:
ARNOLD - the lesser of two evils…the GOP now pays the piper…..,0,1584280.story
50 years of our $$ now over....US 7th Army can be deployed out of Europe,....
50 YEARS of our tax $$$$$$$$$$$$$ going to our ‘allies ???????’ now OVER–
US 7th ARMY now can be deployed OUT of Europe!!! YEEEEEHHHHHAAAAAA!!!!!!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Hollywood-Has Beens-attacking Sarah Palin...
I didn't know that linda carter and pammy anderson (lower case- on purpose) were still around...
Are these has-beens attacking a REAL Wonder Woman because their 'careers' have taken a dump?!!!
Friday, September 12, 2008
I'm Honored by -Gateway Pundit...
christian soldier said...
I had no idea that women were treated-in this country - worse than the terrorists at Gitmo
Lucy Burns-handcuffed w/ arms above here head to the cell bars...scroll--force fed...women beaten....
before the brave ones won the right for women to vote!... August 26, 1920...
In less that 100 years WE have a Sarah Palin !!!!!
PALIN/McCain8:47 PM
Gateway Pundit said...
Thanks Christian soldier.
I hope you don't mind that I posted your line.9:07 PM
Women Tortured in U.S, Fighting For Right To Vote.....
Some of the brave 'warriors' who fought for that right were tortured worse than the terrorists at GITMO!!!!
HERE>>> in the United States-LESS THAN 100 YEARS AGO--We've come a LOOONG way - BABY--
We even have Sarah Palin as VP!!!!!
Palin interview w/Gibson...
Gibson and his ilk CANNOT tell the TRUTH because they do not know the TRUTH and thus…the TRUTH cannot set them FREE!!!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Mc REEEaching out to B.Hussein Obama..
Does the Mc Man WANT to lose this election?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND/ OR does he want to put the ‘little lady’ in her place?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’ve been commenting about L_O_T_E_ and the vote for the last year….
The choice of Palin made me change my mind about leaving the vote for Pres. blank and just voting on the issues…
WARNING –don’t turn your back on your VP running partner……
Un-manned attacked on subway ..
Infidel Bloggers Alliance has more...scroll to 9/11....
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Full Armour of God..
- christian soldier said...
breast-plate of righteousness
sword- of the Spirit
shield-of faith
helmet-of salvation
feet shod-with the preparation of the Gospel of peace -
- Ephesians-6
Go Warriors!!!!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Hidden messages??
General David Petraeus--West Point --when Chapel was mandatory...
General David Petraeus --pictured kneeling with a Holy Bible in his hand...
The latest and greatly successful military operation--in Iraq...
Its name...
Operation LION'S ROAR...
I see it --- do you?!!!!!
If not - think- who is the Lion in the Bible-JESUS the CHRIST-
LIES and Smears Against Palin...
Liars lie because- if they knew the TRUTH>>>>> HE would set them free!!
(WOW) just composed that and I like it !
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Harry Reid and Name Calling
Have you noticed that:
Name callers always call names...
Name callers HAVE small MINDS ....
Harry Reid ... you EXPOSED yourself .....SHAME on you...
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Palin visited our wounded at Landstuhl
Thank you - Gateway Pundit for giving my first Hat Tip credit :-)
War Moves..
Go to my May 31, 2008 post: the link came through on that one.....
Monday, September 1, 2008
Arab Crew Crashes New Airbus...On Ground!
I ROFL at this one and came to the conclusion that their ineptitude is the reason that they must strap bombs to themselves.....
Saturday, August 30, 2008
TRUTH vs Lies
The Fake messiah-can only tell LIES...
Which is B.Hussein O.?
Friday, August 29, 2008
Palin and the L_O_T_E_
May be within SCOPE..
Now that Sarah Palin
Is on the Ballot
With McCain!!
Carol alias:
Check out "Froggy" from my poem _ LUKEWARM_ March 8,2008 :-)
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Star Spangled Banner/Upside-Down...
Invesco tickets
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
The death of the PARTY is in your hands—-
PRO-DEATH VP-the death of the PARTY….>>>>
Sadr's Torture Chambers and Britain's Dane-geld..
Are the Brits paying “Dane-geld” (tribute) yet? (Kipling and payment of tribute so the bad guys won’t “terrorize”)
It has been revealed that ITALY has paid tribute to the Islamic terrorists….
Water boarding-didn’t the L_O_T_E (McCain) come out against it - even though our special forces experience it during training?
Bring back water-boarding..
Plus the spirit of PRESIDENT MADISON::
“It is a settled policy of America that as peace is better than war, war is better than tribute. The United States, while they wish for war with no nation will buy peace with none.”
Get our troops out of EU-I’m tired of paying for their safety when they constantly betray us…..Thanks Mark Steyn for that head’s up!…..
GOP-better find a POTUS for whom we can vote or another party is in the offing!!!
Thanks- see-dubya- for letting me vent..
We have troops everywhere-much to the chagrin of George Washington…I’m getting sick of it!!!!
Michelle Malkin's article
Monday, August 18, 2008
Just for Fun / the Second Amendment w/ a laugh
Grandma pulled gun on teen - male-home-invader--told him get down on the floor and to dial 911- also told him that she would shoot him if he tried to throw the phone at her... he didn't try to throw the phone--police came and arrested him and his buddy :-)
Good going - Grandma!
Humorous Second Amendment Vid
Kipling on the payment of Dane-geld...
"We never pay any on Dane-geld,
No matter how trifling the cost.
For the end of the game is
oppression and shame,
And the nation that pays it
is lost!"
Jefferson sent the new Marines to the Barbary conflict to rescue US hostages.
Thus: words from the Marine Hymn:
"From the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli..."
Madison sent the fleet to finish the job...look to my post below :
Paying Tribute IS NOT the Way of the USA!
"It is a settled policy of America that as peace is better than war, war is better than tribute.
The United States, while they wish for war with no nation, will buy peace with none."
If officials from my US gvt. have acted otherwise---I want it to be revealed.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
First Women to ride in the Olympic Games...One a DANE...
One a Dane -Liz Hartel - (2nd place)!!
YEH - Liz
I'm loving my Danish roots more and more!!!
CHINA'S Subtle SIGNS -Olympic Opening
I hope to see this combination at the GAMES:
Yes-for those who are familiar w/ my strong - anti-socialist takes - I will be watching the games.
After watching the eventing dressage-I stayed to watch the run of the opening…the commentators were very clear as to T Square and
I also know (from the “horses” mouths-Chinese friends) that there is a STRONG CHRISTIAN movement there-I saw many subtle signs of it….
The artistry was breathtaking!
For the first time - I have a desire to visit China...
I’m not giving up on those who seek freedom - anywhere!
Remember-WE- here in the U.S.- are riding the SLIPPERY SLIDE to socialism ourselves…
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Tyson Foods vs. Labor day
Friday, August 1, 2008
Peta-Off With Your --Taxpayer $$$$
Your "influence"
Is going to end
When this :
Gets out
To Patriotic
No more tax -payer money
For PETA terrorists.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
KNIT SPEECH of J. Jackson by Carol
That's a KNOT
After listening to the link below
Jesse Jackson-KNITS words
He wants VICTIMS
To continue his $$$$ flow
He continues to KNIT
Into >>>
Monday, July 14, 2008
The young people in the vid have my deep respect.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
B H O vs J Mc
I didn’t think so!I’m STILL WAITING for him to become …..something!
And his love for La Raza doesn’t help.
Dressage-War Horse
I hope that Andreas and Blu Hors Matine
will be competing in China at the Olympic Games.
Support Honor..
Add :Tom Manion to the list of honorable patriots who have chosen to serve –by running for office–and for whom we can –Nation -wide- give our support via $$$:
Veterans:Tom ManionWilliam “Bill” RussellAlan West
and true conservative:Tom McClintock
I encourage nation-wide support for honorable people.
On July 13th, 2008 at 4:50 pm, Christian Soldier said:
Tom Manion :
On July 13th, 2008 at 4:52 pm, Christian Soldier said:
PSS:Money$$$ equals ACTION which speaks louder than talk-talk-talk.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
The little country that CAN>>>DOES >>>
by sending her soldiers to the FRONT
to FIGHT for
Carol - Christian Soldier
Saturday, July 5, 2008
The Best of the Best...
VOLUNTEER to serve..
While others whine
and complain!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Bud HORSES after 9/11
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Dressage - free-style with music
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Using the natural moves-
Of the horse-
As one views-
Then using those moves-
To train for war.
The War Horse-
Was the "Weapon" of choice-
To intimidate
Those troops on the ground-
Now those moves
Are used
As discipline
And to create awe
On the part of those who view.
An example from Denmark:
Sunday, May 11, 2008
B.Hussein Obama
She was a Marxist - Communist sympathizer.
No wonder Obama turned out to be a :
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Hymn to the Unborn Christian Soldier
We the Little Ones cry to thee
Send the army (soldiers) to fight for me
Let them be brave on every front
The courts, the government , the Church
Until (til) we’re free to be born
To serve with our talents that You give
Just let me live
The cures You give through me
Will set people free
Please, mother, let me be me.
I’ll love you all of my life
Please let me have life here on earth
I will help you with the cleaning
I’ll even rake the leaves
I’ll hug you in the morning
I’ll kiss you good night
Please let me live
To fight for freedom (for the right)
Mom, I know you’ll love me
When you hold me close (to your heart – to your breast)
You’ll wonder why you even had the thought to abort me
When I look at you with my large eyes
You’ll be thankful that you know me!
I promise, Mom
I’ll do my best to make you proud
And when I cry, you’ll love me more
You’ll have someone to care for.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
To Change the Hearts of Men.
I am moved
To remind...THAT
Every tyrant from
The beginning of time
Has ITS eye on
What's yours and mine.
All tyrants come from
The league of men.
For control of others
The laws they bend.
The only way we can survive
Is to exercise
Our covenant
With any government...
Amendment II
The Right of Arms to Bear.
Until He comes AGAIN
Making All Hearts Pure...
If it is Peace
You seek...
You must PREPARE for WAR!!!
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Lukewarm by Carol
It's alright - Froggy - Pay attention to me.
That REALLY isn't heat You're feeling
You know - In that water
That you're in.
Just wait awhile--- Suck it up.
Don't forget to hold your nose.
Remember: It's the LESSER OF TWO EVILS!
As we've told you-times before....A DEMOCRAT could get in!
"The water's really getting hot!" Froggy say.
"Of that no interest You should pay." The experts say.
"But," Froggy says "I do pay more taxes
Than I did before. And the PORK
Keeps getting Larger than before."
Is what we offer you. Hold your nose
Just don't choke. This is no joke.
Take it or leave it!" The experts say.
Froggy say......................."I'll LEAVE IT!
Thanks anyway!"
Author Known-
OK-Me/Myself and I===CAROL
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Many Thanks:
I wrote a post ... new at this...
Will enquire ...Where it is...
As Soon as I find it ...
I'll share it with you....
Let's see if this works...
Many Thanks..;
To my favorite blog sites especially:
Gates of Vienna- for world information and FOR TURNING ME TO MY DANISH ROOTS!
Michelle Malkin
Mr Kemper wrote to Paulson concerning bailout dollars...a great letter which is linked below...