Monday, January 31, 2011

Christie Nails It...OVERT over COVERT-

the unions-the 'snarky' union teachers..-and he demands a civil exchange-
even when the members trained by the Dark Side 'pray' for his death. Listen to the whole video-it gives us an example on how to handle the leftists...
Christie fits my new -OVERT over Covert (copy right Carol B.)-train of thought-No More Covert shenanigans from my servants in government...

ht commoncents--Christie - know yourself and be confident..etc.:-)


Kid said...

These unions are pathetic. They need a dose of reality. Make it three actually.

Suck off the taxpayers to live 3 times as good as the average bear for 'working' 9 months a year ? IN this economy? (profane rant deleted)

I feel NOT for them.

christian soldier said...

K-I agree!
unions probably had a place at one time-but-they fell into the hands of the 'power hungry' mob types and now they are for the union (s) only- power over others is-evil-

MathewK said...

A politician giving a direct answer to a question, that's really unheard of. Hopefully Christie stays that way.