Sunday, October 30, 2011
Refreshing-My House/Bill Whittle and Freedom 'Talk'
Took some time off to 'refresh' (new paint-appliances etc) my kitchen...
Kind of nice not knowing tooooo much of what has been going on in the world--
Guess my mind needed to be 'refreshed' too..
Hope you all are well and still fighting...for FREEDOM!
Our Friend - Adrienne- has a WHOLE list of Bill Whittle videos-Go over there-you will love them!
This will encourage all of us in the US : - )
Friday, October 28, 2011
Denmark-Least Corrupt -in Europe-
Denmark is the least...
Thursday, October 27, 2011
ABORTION = MURDER-TWO Abortion Clinic Workers Plead to Murder...
and-BTW- does that baby HUMAN IN THE WOMB have a "choice" when his/her mother and a "doctor" goes in and cuts her/him out or cuts him/her up after he\she is delivered?!!! MURDER!
READ - this-finally the truth is out and by ' accident'? -
Please note-I am reformed Pro-Choice (Death) --my heart goes out to all women who have believed/or do believe the LIE of SATAN---
That is a HUMAN in the WOMB...
LA Lutherans for LIFE
BTW-M. Malkin has a great post on the Corrupt-Pro-DEATH- Planned Parenthood-
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Hollywood Boycott Time? & Vatican Sides w/Occupy-ers!
and to think- I liked Banderas and his movies... ---obama-mingles-stars-raises-cash-
I'm going to find how many more 'stars' have given $$$$ to bho- and boycott their movies...
Vatican shows hypocrisy-sides with Occupy crowd but -Hmmmmm-quote from article:
"Last year the Vatican Bank, known officially as the Institute for Religious Works, had €23m (£20m) of its assets frozen by Italian authorities as part of an investigation into suspected money-laundering."
Read it all - it is not long--and is VERY TELLING!
Monday, October 24, 2011
Vatican Calls for World Bank/World Power Back to US
Vatican Calls for World Bank
OKKKK- that is scary-the Vatican is the most wealthy place in all of Italy-Probably in all of Europe-so-who or what will run the new World Bank-the Pope and his crew!
Your thoughts...
and-some in the world have not given up on us in the US...
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard writes that World Power Will Swing Back to US
Just got back from Woman Honor Thyself-WOW-a Must Read!!
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Dale Peterson for President
He obviously likes HORSES-Guns-Freedom and will go after corrupt politicians..
Friday, October 21, 2011
Orwell's 1984-GOVT is Watching YOU-
what do you think about these:
Tennessee-becomes-first-state-to-deploy-spy ware- VIPR-on interstate highways...
No Checkpoints for Illegals or Illegal drugs at mexico border BUT- Michigan has them...
This Radar developed for 'urban warfare' for military operations...
How long before RADAR that Can See Through Walls will be used here in the US...
FREEDOM is wrest from a 'sleeping' citizenry- a LITTLE AT A TIME>>>
Thursday, October 20, 2011
General MacArthur-US Military to Defend Constitution
General Douglas MacArthur, 1951 --
Remember - Gen.Mac Arthur handled the occupation of our former enemy-Japan- and asked the US to '...send Bibles...' The powers that be sent our best business ...and technological minds instead ...
He felt that the Executive branch (Truman-FDR et al ) was becoming more and more powerful (now we have un-declared 'wars) and usurping Constitutional mandates..
I-Carol-CS- worry that our BEST(Officers and Enlisted) are being taught - incorrectly- that they owe allegiance to the President and not to the CONSTITUTION!!!
West Point Memorial of General MacArthur:
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011
Submission-to Authority-Loading Cattle Cars
The only student in the mexican pledge case below this post -was a lone female...
the Danes refused to turn over the Jews ( King Christian wore the Star of David and most Danes followed suit so - the NAZIs could not tell the Jews in Denmark from the rest of the citizenry)--
the TEST
thanks for the heads up CR
BTW- some Marines are wearing KIA bands (fallen brothers) against Marine Corps rules
and-Spread Eagle posted a 50 year old video warning us in the US about tyranny
bho's Big $$ Bundler List -
Lots of MONEY here!:Smells like corruption..
BTW-85 big $$$ blunders are in CA!!!
Mexican Pledge/Anthem Required in US Public Schools-& Commie Protestors Threaten US Court System
The above school is not the only one--
God asked in Is. 59 -what are you doing about unjust judges-(courts)
Threats from protesters to clog courts would be moot if the Constitutional percepts were used -speeeeeedy trials....
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Splinters in Her Crotch-A Tree Hugger Goes to theER
A woman from Los Angeles, who was a tree hugger, a liberal Democrat, and an anti-hunter, purchased a piece of timberland near Colville, WA.
There was a large tree on one of the highest points in the tract. She wanted a good view of the natural splendor of her land so she started to climb the big tree. As she neared the top she encountered a spotted owl that attacked her.
In her haste to escape, the woman slid down the tree to the ground and
got many splinters in her crotch. In considerable pain, she hurried to
a local ER to see a doctor. She told him she was an environmentalist, a democrat, and an anti-hunter and how she came to get all the splinters.
The doctor listened to her story with great patience and then told her
to go wait in the examining room and he would see if he could help her.
She sat and waited three hours before the doctor reappeared.
The angry woman demanded, "What took you so long?"
He smiled and then told her, "Well, I had to get permits from the Environmental Protection Agency, the Forest Service, and the Bureau of Land Management before I could remove old-growth timber from a "recreational area" so close to a waste treatment facility. I'm sorry, but due to Obama-Care they turned you down!"
Friday, October 14, 2011
US Drone Kills our BEST - Virus Found in US Drones-on-line gambling...
I do know that 'friendly fire' has been an age old problem in war but-
Drone Virus search for on line gambling-JAWA
US Drone Kills Two US BEST-
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Dangerous - HR1505-Fed to Take State and Private Properties...
Anyone ever heard of it!--Of Course Not!
Remember my friends- the Founders knew what they were doing when they first wrote -
Life- Liberty -PROPERTY- in the Declaration..they were very familiar with the 'royals' of Europe being able to take private property on any whim---
Now we have those who believe they are 'royals'- in our government-
a quote from an article written by Vic Miller:
I found an interesting TAKE (link) when I looked up HR 1505-the word Bullshit made me read : - )
MR at IBA is helping spread the word on this one..thanks MR..
Monday, October 10, 2011
MY -C-130-
Fat Albert, a C-130 Hercules aircraft, flies over San Francisco, Oct. 6, 2011-(my off-spring's Birthday -BTW : - )
my posts:
Angel Flight
Angel of Death
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Duty -Honor-Country-Lt. . Dan Berschinski-One of Our BEST
Juxtapose the above with code pink interruption of Army Wounded Warriors Run Grrrr:
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Parity-Is It Good For Sports -
Example: my Detroit Red Wings--
If a Detroit team must give up excellent young players that have been strengthened by the excellent training of its farm team (as an example) because of parity salary caps (all teams must have an "equal" chance at the Stanley Cup)--is that the best for the sport or is it SOCIALISM in disguise?...
and- I am told that the other pro-sports teams have similar systems now---
My take- If teams consistently excel -because of excellent management -- they should win and keep playing--- If teams do not excel- they should disappear---
and- if DETROIT-(a house for $1.00 anyone) can support a winning team- then any city w/ true fans can support a winning team ---
Socialism by any name (parity-equalization et al) is ---well- you know what I think --
What do you think of parity in pro-sports?...
BTW- the DETROIT RED WINGS just won their second season game!!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
GOP-Gives Us in the US -Another Lesser of Two Evils...
the Gateway Pundit
Well-my friends-
The GOP gives
us in the US - another
Hey- that rhymes : - )
(copy write- Carol-CS)
Monday, October 3, 2011
My Birthday-Oct. 4-
Don't mean to brag - but- I've made it this far !!! and in good shape - despite the 'stuff' that is happening in my great country---
Thank you - blog buds - for staying in the fray!!
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Un-Born US Citizens vs/ Terrorist US Citizens -
Ron Paul- lost me - on his take of same---OKKKKKKKK-
My comment(s) and counter comments at Veith:
- C-Christian Soldier October 1, 2011 at 1:55 am
Bachmann-Cain at this point-
agree w/ Paul on many issues that line up w/ the Constitution (original intent) but- his stand that Anwar al Awlaki ( the US terrorist trainer -Ft Hood- 9-11 ) should not have been killed but -rather -tried in US court system – rendered him ‘scratched’ from my list–
Carol-CS -
43 Cincinnatus October 1, 2011 at 9:45 am
Carol-CS: That’s an interesting and, in my opinion, repugnant stance on the issue. Anwar was a United States citizen. Neither President nor the Congress are empowered by the Constitution to assassinate United States citizens–not even foreign citizens! Even traitors must be tried in a court of law, regardless of the threat they pose.
It’s one thing to point a gun at the President and be shot in defense/response; it’s another thing altogether to be put on a list for extermination. Never acceptable under American law. Do you really want a precedent set for the federal government to “take out,” say, extreme right-wingers in Texas to save the expense of FBI probes and silly trials-by-jury
- # 43-”Neither President nor the Congress are empowered by the Constitution to assassinate United States citizens–not even foreign citizens”
- Un-born – US citizens are being ‘assassinated’ – murdered- by the thousands -and w/ the use use of tax-payer $$$ (Planned Parenthood – to name one group of murderers) – I do not hear ‘out-rage’ -do you…
- Cincinnatus October 2, 2011 at 1:00 pm
Carol-CS: Um…yes? I do hear outrage–from a rather significant pro-life movement.
But seriously, what a non-sequitur. What does abortion have to do with the constitutionality of assassination?
- C-Christian Soldier October 2, 2011 at 7:40 pm
as I am a leader in the pro-life movement- I can attest to the fact that people are waking up to the issue-
as to your —-” But seriously, what a non-sequitur.”My comparison to the shedding of INNOCENT blood vs/ the shedding of terrorist blood is VERY LOGICAL!!-
Remember – the Creator asked- ‘What are YOU doing about un-just judges and the shedding of innocent blood—” IS .-59and speaking of un – just JUDGES !!!!
– the power and $ of CAIR – and other muslim groups -
would have prolonged Anwar al Awlaki ‘s trial for YEARS—As to the Constitution ( original intent) – it has been relegated due to lack of instruction of Founding HIStory- by the public -(tax payer $$$$$) education system —for years now-
As to our CONSTITUTION-it is a GRAND DOCUMENT- no longer followed- no longer taught!!
Saturday, October 1, 2011
ACTION Items to Help Stop Christian Pastor'sExecution -Iran -
_M.Malkin has an excellent post w/ links as to where we can go to help stop this travesty_