UPDATED: 67 Items! Every survivalist message board and prepper blog
tells you to stock the same things; weapons, water, food basics, etc.
So, I went looking for a list of things that you should be stocking, but
probably aren’t. Everything on the list will make your life many times
easier after the SHTF, especially in a Bugging-In scenario.
1. Toothpaste and Toothbrushes
Gun Cleaning Supplies -cotton pads, Hoppe’s, Rem Oil, etc
Duct Tape
4. Cooking Oil
5. Shampoo
6. Deodorant
7. Laundry Detergent
Books or other reading for enjoyment materials
Sewing Supplies
11. Bolts, Nails Screws
12. Games
13. Paper and Pencils
14. Spare Parts for any and all gear
15. Musical Instruments
Lantern Mantles
17. Hand Tools
18. Broken window fix/replacement/cover (plywood or plastic panes)
19. Bleach
20. Household Cleaning Supplies
21. Sponges
22. Towels and Wash clothes
23. Gold Bond or Baby Power
24. Baby Supplies – diapers etc
26. Sunscreen
27. Bug Spray (wearing kind)
28. Bug Spray (killing kind)
Comfort Foods – for morale
30. Chains and Locks
Isoprophyl (rubbing) alcohol
32. Mouse Traps
33. Lamp Wicks – for
Oil and Alcohol Lamps
34. Lice Shampoo
35. Salt
35. Liquor
37. Glasses – Prescription and OTC
38. Alcohol Wipes
39. Eyedrops
40. Pet Food
41. Fertilizer
42. Coolers
44. Clothes Pins
45. Childrens clothes in sizes larger than they wear
46. Superglue
47. Wash board
48. Spray paint in black, white, green, brown and black.
49. Zippers, buttons, snaps, knee patches, velcro
50. Patches for tents and tarps
51. Garbage bags
52. Lime
53. Charcoal/lighter fluid
54. Birth control
55. Vitamins
56. Razor blades
Saw blades
58. Garden tools
59. Spark plugs
60. Motor oil
61. Manuel Air/Tire pump
62. Bird seed to attract wild birds (food source)
63. Fire extinguishers
64. Wire
65. Q-tips
66. Cotton balls
67. Corn Starch
Thermal Wear
6 Tools
1. Duct Tape
The fame of
duct tape has taken on a life of it’s own. What can you even say about it? (or it’s big brother
Gorilla Tape, from the folks that brought you Gorilla Glue)
2. Zip Ties
From handcuffs to lashings and a thousand other ways to tie stuff together, you should have a
stockpile of zip ties in every shape and size.
3. WD40
“If it moves and it shouldn’t; use Duct Tape. If it should move and it doesn’t; use WD40″
4. Rope

For those larger jobs that zip ties and duct tape just aren’t going to handle
good rope is endlessly useful.
5. Knife

is the bread and butter (pun intended) of every survival tool kit. You
really should have one on your person at all times. For a list of good
survival knives
click here.
6. Pry Bar

or Utility Bar. You can pry, hammer, lift, smash, and just generally mess stuff up. (I need to do a full write up on the
Stanley Functional Utility Bar or “FUBAR”)
What Else?
The officer oath does NOT include the word – President-
The enlisted oath does include the word-President-
Thus – honorable officers who believe in their oath – must be drummed out by this tyrannous regime–
Be ready my friends–IT is coming!
I have written on this many times-here is just one>
A REAL OFFICER With HONOR:If you Read nothing else - Please Read about Gen Stubillebine!