Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Note to Blackfive!!-a LIAR is A Liar and Cannot BE Trusted

since I cannot post comments at Balckfive-(a site that I usually totally agree with) since it concerns our BEST-I will use  my forum to respond to his pooooh-poooh of the SS shacking w/ prostitutes ---
He posted on the  Secret Service debauchery --the  SS -motto- "WHEELS UP_RINGS OFF"... -stating that tooo much is being made of the SS lack of honor ---REALLY!!!!!
Hey BF-if a human male who would risk bringing a DISEASE to his wife to whom he promised fidelity---HE WILL RISK the security of the Republic ---Your making excuse for the SS i(Secret Service) is an abomination!!!
Read this and weep- my friends who have  HONOR!! to their WORD!!!

HEY BLACK FIVE-DUTY-HONOR-COUNTRY-recognize those words-the motto of  WEST POINT Comes to mind!!and-geees-a great General stated those words in a speech he gave at USMA!!
HEY Blackfive-that you are giving the SS a pass - for them NOT to maintain  their HONOR- I'm wondering-- to what other humans - who have given their word and then break it - will you  give a pass?!!

1 comment:

MathewK said...

"f a human male who would risk bringing a DISEASE to his wife to whom he promised fidelity"

I don't know if they were married, however the other thing is, what are they giving away as well. Can we be 100% sure that they're not letting a few secrets loose.

Either way, not a good look.